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Dabridgecourt Genealogy and Dabridgecourt Family History Information

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  • Alice Dabridgecourt (c.1535 - 1599)
    At St Alphege, Solihull; Another painted wooden board over the door of the stair-vice is divided into three panels with shields of arms and inscriptions to Thomas Dabridgecourt, March 1601, and Alice D...
  • Christian Belcher (1557 - 1609)
  • Dorothy Dabridgecourt (deceased)
    A daughter Dorothy is named in Sir George Puttenham's 1534 will, however, this Dorothy was not yet married, so was her half sister, another Dorothy who later married Adam Aldley . One of the witnesses ...
  • Elizabeth Dabridgecourt (1505 - 1531)
    In Roger Wigston's will dated 4 Nov 1542 he refers to his daughter as Elizabeth D'abridgecourt. He also mentions her children.John D'abridgecourt was the third son of Thomas D'abridgecourt and Alice De...
  • Joan Cokayne (bef.1399 - aft.1439)
    Joan or Jane D'abridgecourt was one of 5 daughters of Sir John D'abridgecourt & his wife [name variously as Maud, Matilda or Margery!].When her father died in 1415, Joan was named in his will as the wi...

About the Dabridgecourt surname

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