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Pekkala Genealogy and Pekkala Family History Information

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  • Eino Pekkala (1887 - 1956)
    Eino Oskari Pekkala (29 November 1887 − 30 September 1956) was a Finnish lawyer and politician. He was a member of the Parliament of Finland, representing the Socialist Electoral Organisation of Worker...
  • Mary Rhodes Moorhouse-Pekkala (1889 - 1975)
    Mary Rhodes Moorhouse-Pekkala (4 September 1889 – 5 March 1975[1]) was a British-born Finnish patronage and civil rights activist, who was an heiress to a wealthy New Zealand-British family. In the ear...
  • Mauno Pekkala (1890 - 1952)
    Mauno Pekkala (27 January 1890, in Sysmä – 30 June 1952) was a Finnish politician and Prime Minister from 1946 to 1948.[1] Pekkala was a member of the Social Democratic Party of Finland and member of ...
  • Salme Pekkala-Dutt (1888 - 1964)
    Salme Pekkala-Dutt (née: Salme Anette Murrik) (29 August 1888 – 30 August 1964) was an Estonian-British communist politician, wife of Rajani Palme Dutt. Anette Murrik (1888-1964) õppis Moskvas, omandas...
  • "Aksa" Pekkala (deceased)

About the Pekkala surname

This section is a placeholder for information about the Pekkala surname. Surname information is crowd-sourced; the Geni community would be grateful if you helped update this page with information about the Pekkala surname.

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