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Eino Oskari Juhanpoika Pekkala (1887 - 1956)

Birthplace: Seinäjoki, Finland
Death: September 30, 1956 (68)
Helsinki, Finland
Place of Burial: Helsinki, Finland
Immediate Family:

Son of Juho Oskari Juhonpoika Pekkala and Amanda Matilda Otontytär Grönroos
Husband of Mary Rhodes Moorhouse-Pekkala
Ex-husband of Salme Pekkala-Dutt
Father of Private
Brother of Mauno Pekkala; Saima Amanda Gustava Juhantytär Pekkala and Aune Johannes Juhanpoika Pekkala

Managed by: Private User
Last Updated:

About Eino Pekkala

Eino Oskari Pekkala (29 November 1887 − 30 September 1956) was a Finnish lawyer and politician. He was a member of the Parliament of Finland, representing the Socialist Electoral Organisation of Workers and Smallholders 1927–1930 and the Finnish People's Democratic League 1945–1948.[1] In the 1920−1930s, Pekkala was twice in prison for his political activities, and he was even kidnapped by the fascist Lapua Movement in 1930. As the political situation in Finland changed after the World War II, Pekkala was the Minister of Education 1945–1946, and the Minister of Justice 1946–1948.[2]

In his youth, Pekkala was a talented athlete. His greatest achievements were three Finnish Championship titles in decathlon.

His brother was the Prime Minister of Finland Mauno Pekkala.

Foto - Avaldused väljasõidulubade saamiseks P; ERA.957.16.1636; 1919

Sysmä muuttokirjoja 1880-1889 (AP I Jba:9) > 530: 1888-56 Juha Oskar Juhanpoika Pekkala perheineen, Seinäjoki 28.10.1888 ; SSHY / Viitattu 27.01.2025

Sysmä lastenkirja 1890-1899 (MKO289-314) Sivu 293-294 141: Nuoramoiset 6 Nordenlunni ; SSHY / Viitattu 27.01.2025

Sysmä muuttaneet 1887-1903 (MKO763-766) > 94: 1898 ; SSHY / Viitattu 27.01.2025

Teisko rippikirja 1892-1902 (AP I Aa:7) Sivu 672 680: Teiskolan kylä, Teiskola Muonarenkiä ; SSHY / Viitattu 27.01.2025

Teisko rippikirja 1903-1909 (AP I Aa:8) Sivu 683 686: Teiskola, Teiskola Perintötalo, (Tammelander, Holmberg, Franck, Pekkala, Gronros, Vilenius, Kuusinen, Mäenpää) ; SSHY / Viitattu 27.01.2025

Teisko rippikirja 1910-1920 (AP_II Te I Aa:10) Sivu 787 317: Teiskola, Teiskola, Palkollisia, (Pekkala, Grönros, Lörpys, Niemi, Kujanen, Mattila, Selin, Joensuu, Harjunen, Yliselä, Siltanen, Korpi, Sundelin, Sundström) ; SSHY / Viitattu 27.01.2025

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Eino Pekkala's Timeline

November 29, 1887
Seinäjoki, Finland
December 2, 1887
Seinäjoki, Finland
- 1908
Age 18
Helsinki Univercity, filosofian kandidate
- 1916
Age 28
Studied Law
September 30, 1956
Age 68
Helsinki, Finland
- 1906
Tampere, Finland