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Mauno Juhanpoika Pekkala (1890 - 1952)

Birthplace: Nordenlund Mansion, Nuoramoinen, Sysmä, Finland
Death: June 30, 1952 (62)
Helsinki, Finland
Place of Burial: Helsinki, Finland
Immediate Family:

Son of Juho Oskari Juhonpoika Pekkala and Amanda Matilda Otontytär Grönroos
Husband of Hilma Elina Lörpys
Father of Eeva Elina Aminoff
Brother of Eino Pekkala; Saima Amanda Gustava Juhantytär Pekkala and Aune Johannes Juhanpoika Pekkala

Occupation: Politician
Managed by: Private User
Last Updated:

About Mauno Pekkala

Mauno Pekkala (27 January 1890, in Sysmä – 30 June 1952) was a Finnish politician and Prime Minister from 1946 to 1948.[1]

Pekkala was a member of the Social Democratic Party of Finland and member of several wartime cabinets as Minister of Finance from December 1939 to February 1942.[2] Pekkala left the party after the Continuation War.

After the war, Pekkala joined the Finnish People's Democratic League (SKDL), an alliance of communists, socialists and social democrats. He served as the Minister of Defence between April 1945 and March 1946.[3]

He was candidate in the 1950 presidential election. Pekkala also belonged to the Socialist Unity Party which worked inside the SKDL.

Mauno Pekkala was the brother of Eino Pekkala.

Mauno Pekkala (27. tammikuuta 1890 Sysmä – 30. kesäkuuta 1952 Helsinki) oli vasemmistolainen poliitikko ja ainoa Suomen Kansan Demokraattista Liittoa (SKDL) edustanut Suomen pääministeri.

Sysmä lastenkirja 1890-1899 (MKO289-314) Sivu 293-294 141: Nuoramoiset 6 Nordenlunni ; SSHY / Viitattu 27.01.2025

Sysmä muuttaneet 1887-1903 (MKO763-766) > 94: 1898 ; SSHY / Viitattu 27.01.2025

Teisko rippikirja 1892-1902 (AP I Aa:7) Sivu 672 680: Teiskolan kylä, Teiskola Muonarenkiä ; SSHY / Viitattu 27.01.2025

Teisko rippikirja 1903-1909 (AP I Aa:8) Sivu 683 686: Teiskola, Teiskola Perintötalo, (Tammelander, Holmberg, Franck, Pekkala, Gronros, Vilenius, Kuusinen, Mäenpää) ; SSHY / Viitattu 27.01.2025

Teisko rippikirja 1910-1920 (AP_II Te I Aa:10) Sivu 787 317: Teiskola, Teiskola, Palkollisia, (Pekkala, Grönros, Lörpys, Niemi, Kujanen, Mattila, Selin, Joensuu, Harjunen, Yliselä, Siltanen, Korpi, Sundelin, Sundström) ; SSHY / Viitattu 27.01.2025

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Mauno Pekkala's Timeline

January 27, 1890
Nordenlund Mansion, Nuoramoinen, Sysmä, Finland
January 27, 1890
Sysmä, Finland
June 13, 1919
Helsinki, Finland
June 30, 1952
Age 62
Helsinki, Finland
Malmi Cemetery, Helsinki, Finland