Former President and General Manager of American Airlines in the Philippines and Director of Philippine Bible Society
To find mother and father os these two... :)
Kõik kes on siis seotud Reinsaluga.
The Bryan-Horner family had a reunion at Trout Lodge, Potosi MO in July of 2011. Richard Horner was the coordinator.
Can all the mentioned families respond if they come across this and those we do not know.Let's get together through technology-Bo-Duma kaMthfombeni,Lwandle aluwelwa luwelwa zinkonjane zona ziphapha phezulu.Ilitye laphekwa lavuthwa wasala uDuma ehleli.Ngongolozi.-Swazi version-Mthfombeni msutu gujwa agoduke nemihlambi yakhe emathfole!Sbombo lesinganga mcincinini ngabesincane ngabesifute kabo nyo...
Arrena or Rena was married to John Kinney in Habersham County, Ga, and had 4 children: Grace Oliver, Faye Tatum, Cora Blair, and Herman Kinney. I have been unable to find any record of her mother and father; there was a grandmother Jenkins, who may have been a grandmother on Rena's mother's side. balleau is the name listed for Rena on her marriage Certificate.
Married ... Yates..had a son Auber John
Olá a todos. Este projecto visa preservar, para memória futura, pequenas histórias de vida dos nossos familiares que já partiram, bem como dar a conhecer ou relembrar certas características das suas personalidades. Em breve partilharei algumas memórias acerca dos meus pais, Albano José e Honorina. Convido todos os que queiram igualmente partilhar as suas recordações a tornarem-se colaboradores ...
We need to get together and celebrate the lives of our family members that we have lost and the lives of our family members that has been saved!!!!!