Genealogy Projects on the Geni Family Tree

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  • Família Carreiro da Silva - Memórias Biográficas

    Olá a todos. Este projecto visa preservar, para memória futura, pequenas histórias de vida dos nossos familiares que já partiram, bem como dar a conhecer ou relembrar certas características das suas personalidades. Em breve partilharei algumas memórias acerca dos meus pais, Albano José e Honorina. Convido todos os que queiram igualmente partilhar as suas recordações a tornarem-se colaboradores ...

  • A family reunion

    We need to get together and celebrate the lives of our family members that we have lost and the lives of our family members that has been saved!!!!!

  • Ray

  • change Erina's date-birth

    Birth-date entered as 24/11/45 when in actual fact it should be 24/11/75

  • Lannert Connections

    We want to reconnect/discover the connections of the Lannert Families world wide.

  • Oskar Nordgren Family

    son till Lars- Peter och Kajsa Nordgren ,född i slutet på 1800-talet eller början på 1900-talet. Var intagen på Lillhagens sjukhus

  • Mičátek Family

    Mičátek - pravdepodobne predchodca mena Mičatka

  • Masson's from India

    All Masson's from India can join us and build Masson's community. Those interested can send message to me (Mohan Lal Masson) and I will send invite to join .. regards

  • משפחת מנחם מסלוניקי Family

    מחפשים משפחת מנחם מהעיר סלוניקי יוון. השולשלת והמוצא של המשפחה

  • family of yours

    Please update information about ur family and your uncle like chandra kumar and others

  • Von Heidenreich Family

    I can find nothing! My father told me all the family history firsthand and have back up photos but it is as if they never existed.. There was even a much photographed local beauty queen called Amalia von Heidenreich - Austro Hungarian region. Any info would be much appreciated.

  • Семейная музыкальная группа

    Благодарность Господу, наши детки имеют музыкальные способности: у всех троих хороший музыкальный слух, красивый голос и точное интонирование - и это уже Ксюша в свои 6,5 лет, Игорек в свои 5 лет, а Саша в свои 2,5 года. Я мечтаю и желаю, чтобы наша музыкальная семья набралась сил и смелости создать музыкалную группу. ...

  • Ukleja

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