Her kommer det mer om Maeda Familien, fra Japan. Mangler en del opplysninger om hvilken gren vi kommer inn i.
Her kommer det litt om familien Torgnes/Torgnesøy, slekt fra Brønnøysund, videre til Tyskland.
This project aims at finding all the members of the Hebbani
ene bol tsooo shine project yum l da
Tracing the Speakman family name
Kazimieras Steponas Šaulys - Lietuvos Nepriklausomybės akto signataras buvo mano močiutės dėdė.
Locating Soukup's in the US and also in Bohemia, Czech Republic to connect us together and understand where we orginially came from. Look forward to hearing from you.
Ada lock was my grandmother she had a son , my father who is dead now
Genealogy Moncmans
All the BRAHMINS according to the ancient
Worked for the CSIRO, created the solar receptor and worked in Antarctica. Deceased
Inger hall min mormor hette höjer som ogift och kommer från sidesjö i finland