This is a Greek surname and its common spelling in English is: "Koukopoulos". The name is of a form typical of the Peloponese but at least one family has roots in Boeotia.
Trying to find my family ancestry and I need alot of help. If any are willing to help let me know.
Collaborate with relatives of Alma Fellenz.
Trying to figure out how to research stuff on here...
This is an umbrella project for all projects related to Jews from the Virgin Islands.
This is an umbrella project for all projects related to Jews from Guam.
Prosjektet har til hensikt å samle alle profiler for personer som er nevnt i matrikkelforarbeidet for Egersund og Valle skipreider.Kilde:
The current Nathan family knowledge only goes to New York City to Martin Nathan. The only occupation known to my family is that he worked for a Cigar company, and he rolled cigars at the store. The hope of this project is to find more Nathans, and learn more about the family background!
Based on a photo taken between 1910 and 1912 in Raccoon, IL.
Researching the linage of Frances Evelyn Crowell born 1916 in Tennessee USA and died in 1983 Windsor, Nova Scotia, Canada. I am doing the research for my sister-in-law Laurel Lee (Tammy) Rolfe. The Crowell is on her mother side of family.
This project is intended to build the correct lineage.
Giving attention to all the energy sources and alternatives all over the globe.
Testataan, ku en ymmärrä!
Prosjektet har som formål å samle alle profiler som er nevnt i ruller av sjøetaten 1734 for Egersund og Valle skipreider.