Profiles to add:* John Jones
Company F=The purpose of this project is to document all the profiles of the men who served in this unit. Point Of Contact For This Page: Donald Colvin
William's parents were from Virginia, born in the mid to late 1700s. It is suspected that his father was a direct descendant of Roger Shackelford, who came to this country from England in the 1600s.
Great grandfather
The Westhills lands encompass 209 hectares (517 acres) of rolling sloped lands, knolls, and rocky outcroppings and are located in the City of Langford.
This area for the history of the Jews of Pfungstadt, Germany and nearby communities such as Eschollbrücken.
Книга в розгорнутому вигляді. Є ще одна книга Княжолука.
Alexander, do you know any of the people in this photo? Is the one on the left your Father?
Polhograjski baroni, plemiška rodbina slov. pokolenja, s prvotnim imenom Kunstelj (Khunstl), dobila plemstvo 1646, baronstvo 1684, izumrla 1869. ( Slov. biografija )Njih predhodniki enakega imena, toda v nobenem sorodstvu z njimi, so bili v srednjem veku gospodje polhograjski, ki se omenjajo prvič v listinah 1261 (Stiški arhiv). O Wersu Polhogr. je izpričano, da je 1295 v družbi s hertenberškim...
This project seeks to collect all of the Jewish families from the town of Lipowicja (Lipowice), southeast of Dolina, in Galicia
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