Welcome to all Gorgani's, from wherever they are
Jancsovits Józef
The purpose of this project is to present the members of this greek family of the Balkans from the Phanar and informations related to them . The name can be found as Handjeris , Handjerli , Handjerly or Hangeris . It is a branch of the Mourouzis/Ypsilantis family with Kyriakos from Ypsala of the Euxinos Pontos as common ancestor . Members can be found through the Balkans but also in Europe .
This is the history from one family named Zakalik, The first information dated from 1820 . In the more of 193 years the family dispersed : some in the U.S.A,, some others in Canada and in Israel. There are Zakalik families in Argentine but at that time there is no traces of any direct relationship and the same with the possible relationship between the families Friendly ( original surname Frajn...
Rašome viską ,ką žinome apie Jatkauskus.Šio projekto dokumentuose yra yra įdėta informacija apie Jatkauskas pavardės išplitimą Lietuvoje.
This project is created to trace the ancestors of Lemuel Walter Haynes Warner on his father's side. We know that his father was a chemist in the sugar industry in St. Kitts, and was married to his mother, Eurelia. The intention is to share any information each of us has, and connect the facts to discover his name. Once we have that, we can look up his documents in St. Kitts and use those docume...