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  • Abigail Winter (1750 - 1826)
    Descendant of Mayflower passenger John Alden last modified 14 Jul 2020 | Created 18 Feb 2011Abigail Winter formerly AldenBorn 23 Apr 1750 in Duxbury, MassachusettsDaughter of Samuel Alden and Sarah (Sp...
  • Abigail Winter (1670 - 1715)
    Abigail (Smith) Winter (1670 - 1715) Abigail Winter formerly Smith Born 29 Jun 1670 in Watertown, Middlesex, Massachusetts Bay Colonymap ANCESTORS ancestors Daughter of John Smith Sr. and Mary (Beach...
  • Abigail Russel (1680 - 1740)
    Updated 7/8/2015: i have very little on Abiigail.CLM === GEDCOM Source ===@R500872326@ Ancestry Family Trees Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Original data: Family Tree files submitte...
  • Adam Joseph Winter (1895 - 1965)
    Geburten Hainstadt am Main 1895/76 Ehen Hainstadt am Main 1919/30, a , Ehen Hainstadt am Main 1919/30, b
  • Adam Winter, III (1850 - d.)
    Ehen Klein-Welzheim 1886/3, a , Ehen Klein-Welzheim 1886/3, b

About the Winter surname


English, German, Danish, and Swedish: nickname or byname for someone of a frosty or gloomy temperament, from Middle English, Middle High German, Danish, Swedish winter (Old English winter, Old High German wintar, Old Norse vetr). The Swedish name can be ornamental.

Jewish (Ashkenazic): from German Winter ‘winter’, either an ornamental name or one of the group of names denoting the seasons, which were distributed at random by government officials. Compare Summer, Fruhling, and Herbst.

Irish: Anglicized form ( part translation) of Gaelic Mac Giolla-Gheimhridh ‘son of the lad of winter’, from geimhreadh ‘winter’. This name is also Anglicized McAlivery. Mistranslation of French Livernois, which is in fact a habitational name, but mistakenly construed as l’hiver ‘winter’.

from Balázs Déri

Some families called Winter may descend from the son of Ter-ade-Wayan that is Terra de Wayana - near Amazonia - mentioned in Talmud.

Jews call him Khanina ben Tradyon.

Balázs Déri's view.

other versions of this surname

other possible versions of this surname