There are already 77 users and 310 genealogy profiles with the Vardi surname on Geni. Explore Vardi genealogy and family history in the World's Largest Family Tree.
Aleksander Vardi on enimhinnatud eesti kunstnikke, nagu näitavad viimaste aastate kunstioksjonid. Samas on tema ulatusliku loomingu tundmine lünklik, puuduvad monograafilised uurimused, viimasest üleva...
Joseph "Yossi" Vardi (Hebrew: יוסי ורדי, born September 2, 1942) is an Israeli entrepreneur and investor. He is an Israeli entrepreneur and investor, known for his involvement in the early developmen...
"Yossi" Vardi (Hebrew: יוסי ורדי, born September 2, 1942) is an Israeli entrepreneur and investor. He is one of Israel's first high-tech entrepreneurs. For over 47 years he has founded and helped to b...
sünd vkj 27. veebruar 1895
Andmed Eesti biograafilises andmebaasis
Viljandi Pauluse Personaalraamat XXVIII (Uusna, Vana-Tänassilma); EAA.1290.1.546; 1886-1905
Viljandi Pauluse Personaalraamat ...
1811 HL isa Hansu nimes Aruküla, Vardi N27 märgitakse, et tal on poeg talus nr 13, see on siinne Juhan s 1797 *1816 HL Aruküla N13 Juhan Hansu p ---> Aruküla N37 Pukso
Zalman Vardi was Brigadier General Of Military Police in Israel. He was born sometime in the early 1920's. He had 2 sons Atan and Avi. He was my late mother's brother. Her name was Tirtza.
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