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Joseph Vardi

иврит: (רוזנבאום) ורדי יוסף יוסי
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About Joseph Vardi


Joseph "Yossi" Vardi (Hebrew: יוסי ורדי‎, born September 2, 1942) is an Israeli entrepreneur and investor. He is one of Israel's first high-tech entrepreneurs. For over 47 years he has founded and helped to build over 85 high-tech companies in a variety of fields, among them software, energy, Internet, mobile, electro-optics and water technology.[1]

Contents Personal life Joseph Vardi was born in Tel Aviv. He studied at the Technion in Haifa, graduating with a B. Sc. in industrial management engineering. He went on to earn an M. Sc in Operations Research and a D. Sc. (his thesis received the Kennedy-Leigh Award).

He is married to Talma and the father of Arik (co-founder of ICQ), Oded, and Dani.[2]

Career Vardi began his entrepreneurial career in 1969, at the age of 26, as co-founder and first CEO of TEKEM (Hebrew: טכ"מ‎) (In Hebrew – abbreviation of "Technologia Mitkademet". In English: ATL-Advanced Technology Ltd.), one of the first software houses in Israel (later sold to Tadiran and then absorbed into Ness Technologies).[3] In 1970, he was appointed Director General of the Ministry of Development. He served as chairman of Israel Chemicals of Mifaley Tovala, of Harsit and Hol Zach, and a member of the board of Israel Electric Corporation, Dead Sea Works, Dead Sea Bromine, Dead Sea Periclase, Haifa Chemicals, Chemicals and Phosphates, and others. He also chaired the Oil Explorations Concessions Council and Fertilizers Development Council.

He was sent to the U.S. to serve as the Director of the Investment Authority in North America, and Consul For Economic Affairs of the State of Israel in New York. In that capacity he took part in the creation of the Israel-U.S. Binational Industrial Research and Development Foundation (BIRD-F). He acted as an advisor to the Israeli mission to the U.N.

Upon returning to Israel, he served as the first Director General of the Ministry of Energy. Vardi also chaired the Israel National Oil Company, and was a member of the board of Oil Refineries Ltd. During his tenure, Israel discovered and developed oil fields in the Gulf of Suez. Vardi co-founded Alon oil, International Laser Technologies, Granite Hacarmel and other companies. Vardi is a co-holder of a patent on instant messaging on telephones.[4]

Investment strategy Vardi is an early stage "angel".[5] Since 1996 he has been active in founding young internet companies and internet startups. In 1996 he became the founding investor of Mirabilis (company) – the creator of ICQ, which is the first instant messaging application that was released to the web. Among the companies he invested in, or helped to build are Answers.com (went public), Gteko (sold[6] to Microsoft), Airlink (sold to Sierra Wireless), Tivella (sold to Cisco), Scopus (went public), CTI2 (sold to Audiocodes), Foxytunes (sold to yahoo), Tucows (went public), wibiya (sold to Conduit), The Gift Project (sold to eBay), Epals (went public), and Starnet (sold to IAC/InterActiveCorp). Among his other investments are:[7] Come2Play (a social gaming site), fring, speedbit,[8] Cellogic[9] (developer of a content discovery platform for mobile publishers, and of the deeplink.me mobile deep linking platform), BloggersBase[10] (a discovery platform for premium UGC), Wefi and many others. Mirabilis, which practically had no revenues, was sold to AOL just 19 months after it released its product for over 400 million dollars.[11] The sale inspired a whole generation of young Israelis to open start ups.[12] According to Forbes: "...Overnight, a new phrase "the Mirabilis Effect," became popular as young Israeli entrepreneurs yearned to copy the company's success".[13]

After retiring from the civil service, Vardi served on the boards of Amdocs, Maariv, Elite, Scitex, Bezeq, Arkia, Elisra, Hamashbir Hamerkazi and others, and assisted Ormat Industries to identify and develop its geothermal activity. He is a member of Amdocs advisory committee.

Cultivating Culture of Innovation and Creativity In recent years Vardi is active in fostering a culture of innovation and creativity in Israel and abroad. He founded Kinnernet, an annual, three days gathering of creative people from all over the world at the shores of the Sea of Gallilee; he is the chairman of 4YFN (4 Years from Now), the startup event organized by Mobile World Capital Barcelona; together with Dr Hubert Burda he is co-chairing the annual DLD (Digital, Lifestyle, Design) conference in Munich; together with Sir Martin Sorrell he is co-chairing the annual Stream unconference in Greece, he also co-hosting ICUC – (Internet Cowboys UnConference) in Jackson Hole, Wyoming.

Public sector After leaving the government, Vardi continued to be involved in the public sector. He is the Co-Chair of the European Union – Israel Strategic Business Dialogue. He chaired a number of government-appointed commissions and committees, among them the Public Commission for the Regulation of the Electricity Sector, the Public Commission on Raising Venture Capital in the Stock Exchange and others. He also took part in the formation of Yozma. He served on the Advisory Council of the Bank of Israel, and israel Securities Authority, and on the board of directors of the Development Corporation for Israel (State of Israel Bonds). He serves on the board of governors of the Technion. He was the chairman of the Jerusalem Foundation,[14] was member of the council and the executive committee of the Open University of Israel and the board of trustees of the Hebrew University and Weizmann Institute .

Peace negotiations In his capacity as the Director General of the Ministry of Energy, Vardi led the negotiations in regards to the oil part in the peace agreement with Egypt. While in the private sector Vardi was asked to serve as special advisor to the Ministers of Foreign Affairs and Finance, for regional cooperation, and to head the economic negotiations with Jordan. He also participated in the multi-lateral talks with the Palestinians, and served on the Israeli delegation to the Wye Plantation talks with the Syrians.[15]

In 2013, Vardi was one of a group of Israeli and Palestinian business figures who launched Breaking the Impasse (BTI), a forum in favor of advancing a diplomatic solution.[16][17] BTI is supported by the World Economic Forum.[16]

International activities Vardi acted as an advisor to the World Bank and the United Nations Development Program on issues of energy policy and strategy in the developing world. He is a member of the World Economic Forum, serves as an advisor on Middle-Eastern economic affairs to the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations. and on the Future Trends Forum of The Bankinter Foundation of Innovation. He serves on the advisory board of Blackberry Ventures, and served on the Research Visionary Board of Motorola, and on the advisory board of 3i, was advisor to the CEOs of AOL, Amazon.com, Allied-signal, Siemens-Albis and others.

Awards Vardi was selected by Wall Street Journal Europe for "Tech's Top 25",[18] and won the TechCrunch Europe 2009 "Best investor personality" award.[19] He received an Honorary Doctorate[20] from the Technion and from Ben Gurion University, Honorary Fellowship from the Open University, twice received the Prime Minister Award for life achievements in the high tech area; the Industry Award, for his contribution to the development Israel's industry; the 1998 entrepreneur of the year, the 2010 Excellence in Global Entrepreneurship and Management Award, and the Hugo Ramniceanu prize for Economics from Tel Aviv University. He also received the CEO's Entrepreneurs Hall of Fame from the Collegiate Entrepreneurs' Organization,[21] and a Certificate of Merit for the pioneering of the software industry and Information Technology from the Israel Chamber of System Analysts, as well as the Innovation Leadership Medal from the European Alliance for Innovation.

He was nominated as one of The Most Influential International Executives by The Industry Standard,[22] cited by Haaretz newspaper as one of the 50 "persons of the decade" for the first decade of the 2000s,[23] was elected by Israel 21c[24] to the top 10 icons of Israeli high tech - the pioneers,[25] by The Algemeiner for the "Jewish 100 - the top 100 people positively influenced Jewish life"[26] and by Wired magazine as number 9 of the Wired 2014 top 100.[27]

Quotes "Investing in the Internet is similar in a way to investing in a farm. A farmer sows his seeds and 180 days later, he harvests. With start-up investments you sow your seeds and the harvest could take two or three years, but in the end it will always come. Perhaps that's what confuses the investors. They see wagon-loads of produce and they run to sow, but they cannot see when the harvest will come.[3]

About יוסף יוסי ורדי (עברית)

ד"ר יוסי ורדי

''''''(נולד ב-2 בספטמבר 1942) הוא איש עסקים, יזם טכנולוגיה עילית ומשקיע ישראלי. מכונה בתקשורת לעיתים "הגורו של האינטרנט הישראלי".

תוכן עניינים 1 ביוגרפיה 1.1 קריירה בשירות הממשלתי 1.2 קריירה עסקית 2 פרסים והוקרה 3 לקריאה נוספת 4 קישורים חיצוניים 5 הערות שוליים ביוגרפיה נולד בתל אביב. שרת בצה"ל כמדריך בבית הספר הטכני של חיל האוויר, שם הכיר את אשתו תלמה. הוא בוגר הטכניון ובשנת 1969 היה ממקימי חברת טכם - טכנולוגיה מתקדמת, מראשוני בתי התוכנה בישראל (היום בקבוצת נס). בשנת 1978 השלים בהצטיינות את עבודת הדוקטורט שלו בטכניון בנושא "מודל לקבלת החלטות למיקום תחנות כוח במשק החשמל".

קריירה בשירות הממשלתי בשנת 1970, בהיותו בן 27 מונה למנכ"ל משרד הפיתוח, היה אחראי על משאבי הטבע במדינת ישראל. בתוקף תפקידו היה אחראי לחברות הממשלתיות: כימיקלים לישראל, מחצבי ישראל, מכרות נחושת תמנע, פוספטים בנגב חיפה כימיקלים ודשנים וחומרים כימיים[1]. בנוסף היה המשרד אחראי למשק החשמל בישראל[2].

ב-1974 מונה למנהל רשות ההשקעות בצפון אמריקה, ולאחר שובו לישראל היה מנכ"לו הראשון של משרד האנרגיה, וכן כיהן כיושב ראש חברת הנפט הלאומית[3]. בנובמבר 1978, התפטר מתפקידו, לאחר שלא הצליח לממש את תוכניתו לאחד את כל החברות והגופים הממשלתיים שעסק בחיפושי נפט לחברה לאומית אחת הפועלת על בסיס עסקי[4][5].

ב-1993 מונה על ידי ראש הממשלה יצחק רבין ליועץ לשיתוף פעולה כלכלי עם מדינות ערב, ביניהם ירדן, מצרים וסוריה, ועסק בבניית תוכניות לפרויקטים משותפים לטווח ארוך ושת"פ בתחום התשתיות. גם בהמשך, בתקופת ממשלת נתניהו צורף כיועץ כלכלי לשיחות וואי פלנטיישן עם הרשות הפלסטינית.

קריירה עסקית לאחר עזיבתו את השירות הממשלתי היה ממקימי חברת גרנית הכרמל[6], חברת אלון, חברת תעשיות לייזר, ואחרות. כיהן כחבר מועצת המנהלים בחברות מהגדולות במשק, בהן סאיטקס, מעריב, עלית, בזק ואחרות. כיהן כיושב ראש וחבר בוועדות ציבוריות רבות ובכללן הוועדה לרפורמה במשק החשמל. שימש כיושב ראש קרן ירושלים. חבר הוועדה המיעצת של בנק ישראל ואחרות. יעץ לבנק העולמי ולתוכנית הפיתוח של האומות המאוחדות. שימש כיועץ למנכלי חברות בינלאומיות ובכללן לנשיא אמריקה און ליין (AOL) ואמזון, חבר בפורום הכלכלי העולמי (הפורום של דבוס).

ורדי הוא דוקטור לחקר ביצועים. סייע לבנו אריק בהקמת חברת מיראביליס שפיתחה את תוכנת ICQ, התוכנה הראשונה בעולם לשליחת מסרים מיידיים באמצעות האינטרנט. תוך 19 חודשים מיום השקת השירות החברה נמכרה ל-AOL האמריקאית בסכום של 407 מיליון דולר. מאז, הפך ורדי לאחד המשקיעים הבולטים בתחום האינטרנט בישראל. עד כה השקיע ביותר מ-50 חברות הזנק. רבות מהן הונפקו או נרכשו ובכללן חברת Answers.com וחברת Tucows שהונפקו, חברת גיטקו (נרכשה על ידי מיקרוסופט תמורת 120 מיליון דולר), חברת סטרנט (נרכשה על ידי IAC תמורת 20 מיליון דולר), חברת פוקסי טיונס (נרכשה על ידי יאהו תמורת 30 מיליון דולר), חברת טיבלה (נרכשה על ידי סיסקו), חברת איירלינק (נרכשה על ידי Sierra Wireless תמורת 38 מיליון דולר), ואחרות.

ורדי פעיל בפורומים בינלאומיים שונים ומשמש כיושב ראש משותף של מספר כנסים ישראליים ובינלאומיים בתחום האינטרנט.

פרסים והוקרה בשנת 1979 ורדי קיבל את פרס קנדי לי לעבודת הדוקטורט המצטיינת[7]. ורדי קיבל את פרס ראש הממשלה למפעל חיים בתחום ההיי-טק, את פרס התעשייה בקטגוריית האלקטרוניקה (2007)[8], את פרס רומנסיאנו מאוניברסיטת תל אביב, ואחרים. בשנת 2009 הוענק לו תואר דוקטור לשם כבוד מהטכניון[9]. באפריל 2014 בחר בו המגזין Wired לאחת מעשר הדמויות המשפיעות על תעשיית הדיגיטל באירופה[10]. בנובמבר 2014 הוענק לו תואר דוקטור לשם כבוד מאוניברסיטת בן-גוריון בנגב[11]. בשנת 2019 הוענק לו תואר יקיר העיר תל אביב-יפו.

לקריאה נוספת עופר לוי, עורך איתמר לוין, בלי כפית של כסף - 10 סיפורי הצלחה עסקיים, יוסי ורדי: "אני מייצר טעויות חדשות", אבי האקזיטים של ההיי-טק הישראלי, הוצאת ידיעות אחרונות - גלובס, 2006, עמודים 37 - 62 דבי קאופמן, חלום של שוק, הוצאת כוון אחר, 2003 אנתוני דייוויד, אותך אני מחפש! בתוך הראש של יוסי ורדי , מאנגלית: ירון בן-עמי, תל אביב : הוצאת ידיעות אחרונות, 2012. יובל אליצור, יוסי ורדי - בוכנת המנוע של המשק, 31 דמויות ממעצבי דור המדינה, הוצאת כרמל, 2008, עמודים 189 - 196 גדי בלום וניר חפץ, אינטרנט והיי טק - יוסי ורדי, ישראל לאן - 18 שיחות עם האישים שמעצבים את פני המדינה, ידיעות אחרונות ספרי חמד, תל אביב, 2008, עמודים 388 - 407 קישורים חיצוניים ויקישיתוף מדיה וקבצים בנושא יוסי ורדי בוויקישיתוף עמית לוינטל, המוח , ישראל היום רביב דרוקר ומיקי רוזנטל, מחפש אתכם: בדרכים עם יוסי ורדי , באתר של "רשת 13", 1 במאי 2012 (במקור, מאתר "nana10") ליה שנל, חושבים אחרת , בטאון חיל האוויר, 29 בדצמבר 2011 יגאל מוסקו, ‏הזוג המוזר , באתר ‏מאקו‏‏, ‏7 בדצמבר 2009‏ מייקל ארינגטון, טקרנץ': האיש בזירה (פוסט על יוסי, אנגלית) ארז טל מראיין את יוסי ורדי ב"איפה צדקנו" סטייסי פרלמן, יוסי ורדי, האבא של חברות ההזנק , באתר News1 מחלקה ראשונה‏, 31 ינואר 2008 דרור גלוברמן, מה הקטע של יוסי ורדי? , באתר nrg‏, 15 בפברואר 2008 מעיין כהן, סרגיי ברין: ורדי המציא לנו את נוסחת הקסם; מייסד גוגל הגיח לגראז' גיקס ביום חמישי בערב , באתר TheMarker‏, 17 במאי 2008 "אדם אנלוגי בזמן דיגיטלי" הרצאה במכון ויצמן דן גילמור, יוסי ורדי מחפש את סוד ההצלחה , באתר TheMarker‏, 25 ביוני 2002 ורד לי, ספריות | יוסי ורדי , באתר הארץ, 14 באפריל 2009 טכם - הסמן הימני של ה IT בישראל , באתר "אנשים ומחשבים" חוצה ישראל - רינו צרור מראיין את יוסי ורדי , באתר הטלוויזיה החינוכית הישראלית גיא גרימלנד, יוסי ורדי: "אני כמו ילד שמשוויץ במקום שבו הוא גר" , באתר TheMarker‏, 9 באוקטובר 2009 יוסי ורדי: סרטונים איך אתה יודע אם יש לך winner , הרצאה באתר יוטיוב האוניברסיטה הפתוחה, 29 באוקטובר 2009 קטע קול אנשים בלילה עם יוסי ורדי , באתר iCast‏, 7 במאי 2012 יובל דרור, "אותך אני מחפש! בתוך הראש של יוסי ורדי": עשה אקזיט , באתר הארץ, 11 ביולי 2012 שירי דובר, ‏יוסי ורדי ל"גלובס": "אמא שלי טענה שאני אידיוט - וזה דירבן אותי" , באתר גלובס, 9 ביוני 2016 https://he.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D7%99%D7%95%D7%A1%D7%99_%D7%95%D7%A8...



Joseph "Yossi" Vardi (Hebrew: יוסי ורדי‎, born September 2, 1942) is an Israeli entrepreneur and investor. He is one of Israel's first high-tech entrepreneurs. For over 47 years he has founded and helped to build over 85 high-tech companies in a variety of fields, among them software, energy, Internet, mobile, electro-optics and water technology.[1]

Contents Personal life Joseph Vardi was born in Tel Aviv. He studied at the Technion in Haifa, graduating with a B. Sc. in industrial management engineering. He went on to earn an M. Sc in Operations Research and a D. Sc. (his thesis received the Kennedy-Leigh Award).

He is married to Talma and the father of Arik (co-founder of ICQ), Oded, and Dani.[2]

Career Vardi began his entrepreneurial career in 1969, at the age of 26, as co-founder and first CEO of TEKEM (Hebrew: טכ"מ‎) (In Hebrew – abbreviation of "Technologia Mitkademet". In English: ATL-Advanced Technology Ltd.), one of the first software houses in Israel (later sold to Tadiran and then absorbed into Ness Technologies).[3] In 1970, he was appointed Director General of the Ministry of Development. He served as chairman of Israel Chemicals of Mifaley Tovala, of Harsit and Hol Zach, and a member of the board of Israel Electric Corporation, Dead Sea Works, Dead Sea Bromine, Dead Sea Periclase, Haifa Chemicals, Chemicals and Phosphates, and others. He also chaired the Oil Explorations Concessions Council and Fertilizers Development Council.

He was sent to the U.S. to serve as the Director of the Investment Authority in North America, and Consul For Economic Affairs of the State of Israel in New York. In that capacity he took part in the creation of the Israel-U.S. Binational Industrial Research and Development Foundation (BIRD-F). He acted as an advisor to the Israeli mission to the U.N.

Upon returning to Israel, he served as the first Director General of the Ministry of Energy. Vardi also chaired the Israel National Oil Company, and was a member of the board of Oil Refineries Ltd. During his tenure, Israel discovered and developed oil fields in the Gulf of Suez. Vardi co-founded Alon oil, International Laser Technologies, Granite Hacarmel and other companies. Vardi is a co-holder of a patent on instant messaging on telephones.[4]

Investment strategy Vardi is an early stage "angel".[5] Since 1996 he has been active in founding young internet companies and internet startups. In 1996 he became the founding investor of Mirabilis (company) – the creator of ICQ, which is the first instant messaging application that was released to the web. Among the companies he invested in, or helped to build are Answers.com (went public), Gteko (sold[6] to Microsoft), Airlink (sold to Sierra Wireless), Tivella (sold to Cisco), Scopus (went public), CTI2 (sold to Audiocodes), Foxytunes (sold to yahoo), Tucows (went public), wibiya (sold to Conduit), The Gift Project (sold to eBay), Epals (went public), and Starnet (sold to IAC/InterActiveCorp). Among his other investments are:[7] Come2Play (a social gaming site), fring, speedbit,[8] Cellogic[9] (developer of a content discovery platform for mobile publishers, and of the deeplink.me mobile deep linking platform), BloggersBase[10] (a discovery platform for premium UGC), Wefi and many others. Mirabilis, which practically had no revenues, was sold to AOL just 19 months after it released its product for over 400 million dollars.[11] The sale inspired a whole generation of young Israelis to open start ups.[12] According to Forbes: "...Overnight, a new phrase "the Mirabilis Effect," became popular as young Israeli entrepreneurs yearned to copy the company's success".[13]

After retiring from the civil service, Vardi served on the boards of Amdocs, Maariv, Elite, Scitex, Bezeq, Arkia, Elisra, Hamashbir Hamerkazi and others, and assisted Ormat Industries to identify and develop its geothermal activity. He is a member of Amdocs advisory committee.

Cultivating Culture of Innovation and Creativity In recent years Vardi is active in fostering a culture of innovation and creativity in Israel and abroad. He founded Kinnernet, an annual, three days gathering of creative people from all over the world at the shores of the Sea of Gallilee; he is the chairman of 4YFN (4 Years from Now), the startup event organized by Mobile World Capital Barcelona; together with Dr Hubert Burda he is co-chairing the annual DLD (Digital, Lifestyle, Design) conference in Munich; together with Sir Martin Sorrell he is co-chairing the annual Stream unconference in Greece, he also co-hosting ICUC – (Internet Cowboys UnConference) in Jackson Hole, Wyoming.

Public sector After leaving the government, Vardi continued to be involved in the public sector. He is the Co-Chair of the European Union – Israel Strategic Business Dialogue. He chaired a number of government-appointed commissions and committees, among them the Public Commission for the Regulation of the Electricity Sector, the Public Commission on Raising Venture Capital in the Stock Exchange and others. He also took part in the formation of Yozma. He served on the Advisory Council of the Bank of Israel, and israel Securities Authority, and on the board of directors of the Development Corporation for Israel (State of Israel Bonds). He serves on the board of governors of the Technion. He was the chairman of the Jerusalem Foundation,[14] was member of the council and the executive committee of the Open University of Israel and the board of trustees of the Hebrew University and Weizmann Institute .

Peace negotiations In his capacity as the Director General of the Ministry of Energy, Vardi led the negotiations in regards to the oil part in the peace agreement with Egypt. While in the private sector Vardi was asked to serve as special advisor to the Ministers of Foreign Affairs and Finance, for regional cooperation, and to head the economic negotiations with Jordan. He also participated in the multi-lateral talks with the Palestinians, and served on the Israeli delegation to the Wye Plantation talks with the Syrians.[15]

In 2013, Vardi was one of a group of Israeli and Palestinian business figures who launched Breaking the Impasse (BTI), a forum in favor of advancing a diplomatic solution.[16][17] BTI is supported by the World Economic Forum.[16]

International activities Vardi acted as an advisor to the World Bank and the United Nations Development Program on issues of energy policy and strategy in the developing world. He is a member of the World Economic Forum, serves as an advisor on Middle-Eastern economic affairs to the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations. and on the Future Trends Forum of The Bankinter Foundation of Innovation. He serves on the advisory board of Blackberry Ventures, and served on the Research Visionary Board of Motorola, and on the advisory board of 3i, was advisor to the CEOs of AOL, Amazon.com, Allied-signal, Siemens-Albis and others.

Awards Vardi was selected by Wall Street Journal Europe for "Tech's Top 25",[18] and won the TechCrunch Europe 2009 "Best investor personality" award.[19] He received an Honorary Doctorate[20] from the Technion and from Ben Gurion University, Honorary Fellowship from the Open University, twice received the Prime Minister Award for life achievements in the high tech area; the Industry Award, for his contribution to the development Israel's industry; the 1998 entrepreneur of the year, the 2010 Excellence in Global Entrepreneurship and Management Award, and the Hugo Ramniceanu prize for Economics from Tel Aviv University. He also received the CEO's Entrepreneurs Hall of Fame from the Collegiate Entrepreneurs' Organization,[21] and a Certificate of Merit for the pioneering of the software industry and Information Technology from the Israel Chamber of System Analysts, as well as the Innovation Leadership Medal from the European Alliance for Innovation.

He was nominated as one of The Most Influential International Executives by The Industry Standard,[22] cited by Haaretz newspaper as one of the 50 "persons of the decade" for the first decade of the 2000s,[23] was elected by Israel 21c[24] to the top 10 icons of Israeli high tech - the pioneers,[25] by The Algemeiner for the "Jewish 100 - the top 100 people positively influenced Jewish life"[26] and by Wired magazine as number 9 of the Wired 2014 top 100.[27]

Quotes "Investing in the Internet is similar in a way to investing in a farm. A farmer sows his seeds and 180 days later, he harvests. With start-up investments you sow your seeds and the harvest could take two or three years, but in the end it will always come. Perhaps that's what confuses the investors. They see wagon-loads of produce and they run to sow, but they cannot see when the harvest will come.[3]

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Хронология Joseph Vardi