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  • Ada de Lorraine (c.990 - 1044)
    Oct, after 1047). The Vita Sanctæ Gudilæ names "Oda…Gozelonis ducis filia" as wife of "Lambertus…comes" in a passage dated 1047[247]. The Genealogica ex Stirpe Sancti Arnulfi names "Godefridum ducem, O...
  • Gravin Adela Van Leuven van Teisterbant (c.1023 - 1086)
    Adelaide Adele Adele Countess of Orlamunda= = de Betowe Gansemond De LorraineBirth Date 1045 1023 Birth Location Orlamunda,France Picardy,Somme,,France Medlands: äische Stammtafeln[738] sh...
  • Adela van Leuven (c.1020 - 1083)
    LAMBERT [Baldric] de Louvain, son of LAMBERT [I] "le Barbu" Comte de Louvain & his wife Gerberge of Lower Lotharingia [Carolingian] (-after 21 Sep 1062, bur Nivelles). The Vita Sanctæ Gudilæ records th...
  • Adélaïde de Brabant (aft.1072 - 1158)
    Adelaide of Leuven From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation, searchAdelaide of Leuven (died c. 1158) was the wife of Simon I, Duke of Lorraine (1076-1138). She was the daughter of Henr...
  • Adelicia of Louvain (c.1105 - c.1151)
    From Wikipedia (English) :=Adeliza of Louvain, sometimes known in England as Adelicia of Louvain, also called Adela and Aleidis; (c. 1103 – 23 April 1151) was Queen of England from 1121 to 1135, as the...

About the van Leuven surname

Looking for a connection to Bartelomeus van Leuven * 23-11-1616 zn v Arnold/s en N N Maria getuigen Thomas Smits en Elisabeth Coming from joannes van Leuven Born 1690 in Venray Married to Agnes Coppen A Son was Born 26-09-1722 named Wilhelmus witnessed by Joannes van Leuven and Margaretha Coppens A daughter was Born Joanna van Leuven 27-11-1723 She marries to Willem Aerts on 8-04-1750 witnessed by Johannes Jacobs and Petrus van Leuven