Historical records matching Adela van Leuven
Immediate Family
About Adela van Leuven
LAMBERT [Baldric] de Louvain, son of LAMBERT [I] "le Barbu" Comte de Louvain & his wife Gerberge of Lower Lotharingia [Carolingian] (-after 21 Sep 1062, bur Nivelles). The Vita Sanctæ Gudilæ records that "Lambertus…comes" succeeded his brother Henri[52]. The Genealogica comitum Buloniensium records that "Henricum seniorem de Bursella" was father of "Lambertum comitem et Henricum fratrem eius et Mathildem sororem eorum", but this appears to be a confused representation of the situation[53]. He succeeded his brother in 1038 as LAMBERT [II] Comte de Louvain, after depriving his nephew of his rights: the Chronicon Sigeberti records the death in 1038 of "Henricus Lovaniensis Comes" and the succession of "filius eius Otho" who was deprived by "patruus eius Baldricus qui et Lambertus"[54]. The Chronicon Brabanti also refers to the two names of Lambert when recording the death of "Lambertus II qui et Baldricus dictus Cum-Barba"[55], although it is unclear how reliable this is as "cum-barba" is the nickname applied in other sources to Comte Lambert [I]. If Lambert [II] was in fact also called Baldric, it suggests a relationship (which has not been identified) with the early Graafen van Betuwe (see the document HOLLAND) and Comtes de Looz (see LOWER LOTHARINGIAN NOBILITY), in which three bishops of Liège named Baldric belonged. "Baldricus…cum uxore mea Oda" founded the collegial church in Brussels by charter dated 1047[56]. The Vita Balderici refers to "comes Lowaniensis Lambertus vir profanæ mentis et moribus barbarus"[57], presumed to refer to Comte Lambert [II].
m UDA de Lotharingia, daughter of GOZELON I Duke of Lower Lotharingia & his wife --- (-23 Oct, after 1047). The Vita Sanctæ Gudilæ names "Oda…Gozelonis ducis filia" as wife of "Lambertus…comes" in a passage dated 1047[58]. The Genealogica ex Stirpe Sancti Arnulfi names "Godefridum ducem, Odam et Regelindam" as children of "Gozelo, frater Arnulphi et Godefridi"[59]. "Baldricus…cum uxore mea Oda" founded the collegial church in Brussels by charter dated 1047[60].
Comte Lambert [II] & his wife had [four] children:
1. HENRI de Louvain (-[1078/79], bur Nivelles).
2. ADELA de Louvain (-1083). The Annalista Saxo records "Adhelam de Brabantia, ex castello quod Lovene dicitur" as wife of Markgraf Otto, and later her second marriage to Otto's stepfather[90]. The Genealogica Wettinensis names "viduam eius [=Othone marchione]…nata de Brabancia ex castello quod dicitur Levene, erantque fratres eius Heinricus comes et Reiherus" as second wife of "Dedo marchio"[91], but does not name her. "Heinricus…rex" confirmed donations to St Servatius at Maastricht by "marchio Otto de Thuringia eiusque uxor Adela" by charter dated 21 Sep 1062, in the presence of "Friderici ducis, Godefridi marchionis, Lamberti comitis de Brusela filiorumque suorum, Winrici de Wivsehel"[92]. Baudouin I Comte de Hainaut (later Baudouin VI Count of Flanders) refers to the donation made by "comitissa de Toringa, neptis meæ Adelæ" to the abbey of Hasnon, in a charter dated 1065[93]. The relationship between Adela and Count Baudouin has not yet been identified. m firstly (before 1060) OTTO Graf von Weimar, son of WILLIAM [III] Graf von Weimar & his second wife Oda der Ostmark (-early 1067). He succeeded his brother in 1062 as OTTO Markgraf von Meissen. m secondly (1069) as his second wife, DEDO [II] Markgraf der sächsischen Ostmark [Niederlausitz] [Wettin], son of DIETRICH [II] Graf in Eilenburg [Wettin] & his wife Mathilde von Meissen (-Oct 1075).
Graf Otto & his wife had three children:(a) ODA (-1111). The Annalista Saxo names (in order) "Odam, Cunigundam, Adelheidam" as the three daughters of Markgraf Otto & his wife, specifying that Oda married "Ecbertus marchio iunior de Bruneswic et hec sine liberis obit"[1185]. m (before 1080) EKBERT [II] Graf von Braunschweig Markgraf von Meissen, son of EKBERT [I] Graf von Braunschweig, Markgraf von Meissen & his wife Irmgard [Aemilia/Imula] di Susa (-3 Jul 1090).
(b) KUNIGUNDE (-8 Jun 1140). The Annalista Saxo names (in order) "Odam, Cunigundam, Adelheidam" as the three daughters of Markgraf Otto & his wife, specifying that Kunigunde married firstly "regi Ruzorum", secondly "Cononi comiti de Bichlingge, filio ducis Ottonis de Northeim", and thirdly "Wipertus senior"[1186]. The primary source which identifies her first husband more precisely has not yet been identified. Baumgarten records her first marriage but cites only one secondary source in support[1187]. Heiress of Beichlingen. m firstly ([1073]%29 IAROPOLK PIOTR Iziaslavich Prince of Vladimir in Volynia, son of IZIASLAV I Iaroslavich Grand Prince of Kiev & his wife Gertrud of Poland (-murdered 22 Nov 1086). m secondly KUNO von Northeim Graf von Beichlingen, son of OTTO II Graf von Northeim Duke of Bavaria & his wife Richenza of Swabia [Ezzonen] (-murdered 1103). m thirdly (1110) as his second wife, WIPRECHT [II] von Groitsch, son of WIPRECHT [I] im Balsamgau & his wife Sigena von [Gross-]Leinungen heiress of Morungen und Gatersleben (-22 May 1124). Burggraf von Magdeburg 1118. Markgraf der Lausitz and Markgraf von Meissen 1123.
(c) ADELHEID ([1060/65]-28 Mar 1100). The Annalista Saxo names (in order) "Odam, Cunigundam, Adelheidam" as the three daughters of Markgraf Otto & his wife, specifying that Adelheid married "Adalberto comiti de Ballenstide"[1188]. In a later passage, the Annalista Saxo records the death of "Adhela sive Adelheit palatina" in 1100 en route to Rome, repeating her parentage[1189]. No other primary source has so far been identified which confirms her second and third marriages. Heiress of Orlamünde. m firstly (before 28 Oct 1074) ADALBERT [II] Graf von Ballenstedt, son of ESIKO Graf im Schwabengau und im Gau Serimunt & his wife Mathilde of Swabia (-[1076/83]). m secondly (after [1076/83]%29 [as his second wife,] HERMANN Pfalzgraf von Lotharingen, son of [HEINRICH "Furiosus" Pfalzgraf von Lothringen [Ezzonen] & his wife Mathilde of Lotharingia] (-20 Sep 1085). m thirdly ([1089]) [as his second wife,] HEINRICH von Laach Pfalzgraf von Lotharingen, son of --- [von Gleiberg] & his wife ---] (-12 Apr 1095).Graf Dedo [II] & his second wife had two children:
(d) HEINRICH ([1070]-1103). The Annalista Saxo names "Heinricum marchionem de Ilburh et Conradum comitem" as sons of Dedo & his second wife[320]. Graf von Eilenburg. Markgraf der Niederlausitz. He succeeded in 1089 as HEINRICH I Markgraf von Meissen. m ([1101/02]%29 as her third husband, GERTRUD von Braunschweig, widow firstly of DIETRICH [II] Graf von Katlenburg [Stade] and secondly of HEINRICH "der Fette" Graf von Northeim, daughter of EKBERT I Graf von Braunschweig Markgraf von Meissen & his wife Irmgard [Aemilia/Immula] di Susa ([1065]-9 Dec 1117). The Annalista Saxo names "Gertrudem, filiam Ekberti marchionis senioris, matrem Richenze inperatricis" as wife of Graf Dietrich [II][321]. In a later passage, it names "Gertrudis soror Ecberti marchionis iunioris" as wife of Heinrich, specifying that she escaped with difficulty after her husband was killed[322]. The Genealogica Wettinensis names "Gerdrude que erat de Bruneswich" as wife of "marchio Heinricus"[323]. Heiress of Braunschweig. The Annales Sancti Blasii Brunsvicenses record that "Gertrudis marchionissa filia Ecberti" was the founder of "Sancti Egidii in Brunswik"[324]. The Libro Memoriarum Sancti Blasii records the death in Dec 1117 of "domina Ghertrudis marchionissa iunior"[325]. Markgraf Heinrich I & his wife had one child:
a) HEINRICH (posthumously [1103/04]-1123). The Annalista Saxo names "Heinricum marchionem iuniorem" as son of Markgraf Heinrich II & his wife, and specifies that he is supposed to have died childless[326]. He succeeded from birth as HEINRICH II Markgraf von Meissen und der Niederlausitz, Graf von Eilenburg. The Annales Veterocellenses record that "Henricus Lusizensis marchio" died childless in 1124 and that "neptis sue Richize imperatricis" arranged the transfer of all his properties[327]. m ADELHEID von Stade, of LOTHAR UDO III Graf von Stade, Markgraf der Nordmark & his wife Irmgard von Plötzkau ([1098/1106]-). The Annalista Saxo records "Heinricum marchionem et duas filias" as the children of Lothar-Udo & his wife[328]. The Annales Stadenses names "marchio Hinricus, putativus frater Rikencem imperatricis" as husband of the daughter of "marchio Udo [et] Ermengarda" but does not name her[329]. The primary source which confirms her name has not yet been identified.
(e) KONRAD (-killed in battle by the Wends). The Annalista Saxo names "Heinricum marchionem de Ilburh et Conradum comitem" as sons of Dedo & his second wife, specifying that Konrad was "a paganis occisus"[330].
3. REGINAR de Louvain (-killed in battle Hesbaie 1077).
4. [JOSCELIN (-after 1085). https://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/BRABANT,%20LOUVAIN.htm#AdelaLouvai... https://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/THURINGIAN%20NOBILITY.htm#OttoWeim... _____________
Adela van Leuven's Timeline
1020 |
Leuven, Belgium
1055 |
Orlamünde, Saale-Holzland-Kreis, Thuringia, Germany
Weimar, Thuringia, Germany
1060 |
Weimar, Germany
1070 |
Saxony, Germany
1083 |
Age 63
Weimar, Germany
???? |
???? |