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  • Abel Strong (1752 - d.)
  • Abiah Wills (1658 - 1732)
    Jedidiah Strong was married to Abiah Ingersoll (daughter of John Ingersoll and Abigail Bascom) on November 8, 1688. Abiah Ingersoll was born on August 24, 1663. She died on November 13, 1732. Jedidiah ...
  • Abigail Strong (1744 - 1772)
  • Abigail Strong (1636 - 1689)
    Abigail Bartlett was born say 1637. She was the daughter of Robert Bartlett and Anne unknown. On 17 December 1657 in Northampton, Hampshire County, Massachusetts, Abigail married first John Stebbins, s...
  • Abigail Strong (1706 - 1787)
    Abigail (Pettibone) Phelps Strong was born on April 22, 1706 and died on October 16, 1787 at age 80. She was first married to Lt. David Phelps. They are the parents of David, Elisha, and Noah Phelps . ...

About the Strong surname



From Middle English strong, strang ‘strong’, generally a nickname for a strong man but perhaps sometimes applied ironically to a weakling.


Translation of Trahand, a metonymic occupational name for a silkworker who drew out the thread from the cocoons (see Trahan). Translation of Ashkenazic Jewish Stark.