There are already 113 users and 3,839 genealogy profiles with the Ratcliffe surname on Geni. Explore Ratcliffe genealogy and family history in the World's Largest Family Tree.
NotesFrom plotting was afoot the Scropes were likely to be there. Agnes was the daughter of Henry, the fourth Baron Scrope, and was the brother of John, the fifth Baron Scrope, who supported Richard II...
Appointed guardian to James, John, and Mary Ann Moxley on 26 June 1750. She may have been the mother of Thomas Moxley's older children: Joseph, Thomas, Elizabeth Moxley Daniel (O'Daniel), Jemima Moxl...
George and Catherine (Kate) came to NZ in 1887 on the "Ionic' with their 5 daughters: Ellen, Edith, Celia, Catherine, Sarah. Sarah died in Christchurch the following year of bronchitis.
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