There are already 496 users and over 18,558 genealogy profiles with the LeBlanc surname on Geni. Explore LeBlanc genealogy and family history in the World's Largest Family Tree.
"Acadian Immigrants to Baton Rouge/Manchac, 1785" -
On list of Acadians at Nantes, France, Sep 1784, unnamed
Sailed to LA on Le Beaumont , age 3
On list of Acadians at Baton Rouge,...
"Acadian Immigrants to Cabanocé/Cabahannocer, 1765" -
Cabanocé, La Luisiana census, 1766, listed as Nastasie, age 8
Attakapas, La Luisiana census, 1777, listed as Anastasie Louvier, ...
"Acadian Immigrants to Cabanocé/Cabahannocer, 1765" -
Cabanocé, La Luisiana census, 1766, listed as Andrés
Arrived in current day Louisiana in 1765
1671 Acadie Census - shown to be 12 years old which estimates birth c.1659
The family of André LEBLANC and Marie DUGAS
[85559] LEBLANC, André (Daniel & Françoise GAUDET [85560]),...
"Acadian Immigrants to Lafourche des Chitimachas/Valenzuéla, 1785-86" -
At St.-Servan 1766-72
In Poitou, France, 1773-75
In Third Convoy from Châtellerault to Nantes, France, Dec 1...
First Settlers of Acadia, modern day Canadian Maritimes, after the deportation of 1755 there are many Louisiana Cajun people that are descendants of the Acadians from Acadia
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