Historical records matching André LeBlanc
Immediate Family
About André LeBlanc
- Sources:
- 1671 Acadie Census - shown to be 12 years old which estimates birth c.1659
- https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/LeBlanc-71
The family of André LEBLANC and Marie DUGAS
[85559] LEBLANC, André (Daniel & Françoise GAUDET [85560]), born about 1659 (rec. 1671) or 1660 (rec. 1686)
- married about 1683, from .. (Acadie)
DUGAS, Marie2 (Abraham & Marguerite DOUCET [42835]), born about 1665 (rec. 1671) or 1667 (rec. 1686), buried 1734-01-14 Grand-Pré (Saint-Charles-des-Mines) (Acadie)
1) Anne, married about 1710 Jean DOIRON, married about 1750 René LÉONARD
2) Charles, married Grand-Pré (Saint-Charles-des-Mines) (Acadie) 1730-10-23 Marie Josephte FLAN
3) Claire, married Grand-Pré (Saint-Charles-des-Mines) (Acadie) 1726-04-30 Joseph ROBICHAUD dit CADET
4) Claude, married about 1719 Madeleine BOUDREAU
5) François, married about 1722 Cécile BOUDREAU, married about 1728 Marie ou Marie Josèphe LABAUVE
6) Jacques, born about 1701 (m 1718), married Grand-Pré (Saint-Charles-des-Mines) (Acadie) 1718-11-14 Catherine BOUDREAU, married Grand-Pré (Saint-Charles-des-Mines) (Acadie) 1731-10-15 Marguerite LABAUVE
7) Jean, married Port-Royal (Acadie) 1704-01-25 Jeanne BOURGEOIS
8) Joseph ou Joseph André, married Grand-Pré (Saint-Charles-des-Mines) (Acadie) 1726-07-29 Marie GRANGER
9) Marie, born about 1688 (sép. 1758), died 1758-01-16, buried 1758-01-18 Québec (Qc), married about 1703 Germain CORMIER
10) Pierre, married about 1712 Élisabeth BOUDREAU
Bibliographie : Dictionnaire généalogique des familles acadiennes (White); http://www.umoncton.ca/etudeacadiennes/centre/cea.html; Dictionnaire des Acadiens d'Archange Godbout; Diocese of Baton Rouge, Catholic Church records; The Acadian Exiles in Saint Malo, 1758-1785; Histoire et généalogie des Acadiens (Arsenault); Acadian Church Records
The family of Antoine LEBLANC and Marie BOURGEOIS
[85554] LEBLANC, Antoine (Daniel & Françoise GAUDET [85560]), born about 1662 (rec. 1671, rec. 1686) Port-Royal (bim) (Acadie)
- married about 1681, from .. (Acadie)
BOURGEOIS, Marie2 (Jacques ou Jacob & Jeanne TRAHAN [84316])
1) Antoine, married about 1703 Anne LANDRY
2) Charles, married about 1705 Marie GAUTREAU
3) Élisabeth, married about 1722 Charles DUPUIS
4) Jacques, married about 1716 Cécile DUPUIS
5) Jean, married Grand-Pré (Saint-Charles-des-Mines) (Acadie) 1715-02-04 Anne LANDRY, married before census 1763 Marguerite ..
6) Joseph, married Grand-Pré (Saint-Charles-des-Mines) (Acadie) 1719-02-13 Anne BOURG
7) Marguerite, born about 1700 (sép. 1778), died 1778-04-18, buried 1778-04-19 Miquelon (Notre-Dame-des-Arguilliers) (Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon), married about 1717 Pierre ALAIN, married about 1751 Pierre dit Pitre RICHARD
8) Marie Blanche, married about 1705 Antoine LANDRY
9) Pierre, married Grand-Pré (Saint-Charles-des-Mines) (Acadie) 1711-02-16 Françoise LANDRY
10) René, married about 1722 Anne THÉRIAULT
Bibliographie : Dictionnaire généalogique des familles acadiennes (White); http://www.umoncton.ca/etudeacadiennes/centre/cea.html; Dictionnaire des Acadiens d'Archange Godbout; Histoire et généalogie des Acadiens (Arsenault); Déclarations de Belle-Île-en-Mer; Acadian Exiles in Nantes; The Acadian Exiles in Saint Malo, 1758-1785; Diocese of Baton Rouge, Catholic Church records; Southwest Louisiana Records
Antoine Le Blanc
M, b. circa 1662, d. 20 July 1730, #584
Father Daniel Le Blanc b. circa 1626, d. between 1695 and 1698
Mother Francoise Gaudet b. circa 1623, d. between 1698 and 1700
Pop-up Pedigree
Birth* circa 1662 Port Royal
Marriage* circa 1681 Port Royal, Principal=Marie J. Bourgeois
Burial* before 20 July 1730 St-Charles des Mines Parish, see granddaughter's birth [Anastasie]
Death* 20 July 1730 Grand Pre
Family Marie J. Bourgeois b. circa 1665, d. before 1740
Children 1. Antoine Le Blanc+ b. c 1682, d. 27 Jan 1739
2. Charles Le Blanc+ b. c 1684, d. 13 Dec 1737
3. Pierre Gustave Le Blanc+ b. c 1686
4. Blanche Marie Le Blanc+ b. c 1687, d. a 1755
5. Jean Le Blanc+ b. c 1691, d. a 1763
6. Jacques Le Blanc+ b. 1695, d. 1758
7. Claire LeBlanc b. c 1696
8. Joseph Le Blanc+ b. 12 Mar 1697, d. 16 Oct 1772
9. Marguerite Le Blanc+ b. 1699, d. 18 Apr 1778
10. Rene Le Blanc+ b. c 1701, d. 1759
11. Elizabeth Le Blanc+ b. 1703
Andre Leblanc established Grand-Pre, Acadia, with brother Jaques
1671 Acadian census
Details: http://www.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~nsgrdpre/projets/genealogie/gpbap...
Details: http://www.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~nsgrdpre/projets/genealogie/gpbap...
Details: http://www.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~nsgrdpre/projets/genealogie/gpbap...
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints "FamilySearch Family Tree," database, FamilySearch Name: (https://www.familysearch.org);
accessed 12 Jun 2018), entry for André LeBlanc, person ID LDCC-ZLB. 3
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints "FamilySearch Family Tree," database, FamilySearch Name: Name: Name: (https://www.familysearch.org);;;
accessed 12 Jun 2018), entry for André LeBlanc, person ID LDCC-ZLB. 3
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints "FamilySearch Family Tree," database, FamilySearch Name: Name: Name: Name: (https://www.familysearch.org);;;;
accessed 12 Jun 2018), entry for André LeBlanc, person ID LDCC-ZLB.
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints "FamilySearch Family Tree," database, FamilySearch Name: Name: Name: Name: (https://www.familysearch.org);;;;
accessed 12 Jun 2018), entry for Kerstin Didriksson, person ID LB3Z-Z7R. 3
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints "FamilySearch Family Tree," database, FamilySearch Name: Name: Name: (https://www.familysearch.org);;;
accessed 12 Jun 2018), entry for André LeBlanc, person ID LDCC-ZLB. 3
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints "FamilySearch Family Tree," database, FamilySearch Name: Name: Name: Name: (https://www.familysearch.org);;;;
accessed 12 Jun 2018), entry for André LeBlanc, person ID LDCC-ZLB.
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints "FamilySearch Family Tree," database, FamilySearch Name: Name: Name: Name: (https://www.familysearch.org);;;;
accessed 12 Jun 2018), entry for Kerstin Didriksson, person ID LB3Z-Z7R. 3
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints "FamilySearch Family Tree," database, FamilySearch Name: Name: Name: (https://www.familysearch.org);;;
accessed 12 Jun 2018), entry for André LeBlanc, person ID LDCC-ZLB. 3
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints "FamilySearch Family Tree," database, FamilySearch Name: Name: Name: Name: (https://www.familysearch.org);;;;
accessed 12 Jun 2018), entry for André LeBlanc, person ID LDCC-ZLB.
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints "FamilySearch Family Tree," database, FamilySearch Name: Name: Name: Name: (https://www.familysearch.org);;;;
accessed 12 Jun 2018), entry for Kerstin Didriksson, person ID LB3Z-Z7R. 3
FamilySearch: Nova Scotia Births and Baptisms, 1702-1896
Andre Leblanc in entry for Charles Leblanc, "Nova Scotia Births and Baptisms, 1702-1896"
Lead confidence: 5
andre leblanc
Birth 1659 • Port Royal, Nova Scotia, Canada
Death May 4, 1743 • Grand-Pré, Kings, Nova Scotia, Canada
Marriage 1683 • Grand-Pré, Kings, Nova Scotia, Canada
Parents daniel leblanc • francoise marie gaudet
Spouse marie dugas
FamilySearch: Family Tree
André LeBlanc
Birth about 1659 • Port-Royal, Acadia, New France
Death 4 May 1743 • Saint Charles des Mines, Grand Pré, Acadia, New France
Parents Daniel LeBlanc • Françoise Gaudet
Spouse Marie Dugas
Children Anne LeBlanc • Charles Andre LeBlanc • Claire LeBlanc • Claude André LeBlanc • François LeBlanc • Jacques LeBlanc • Jean LeBlanc • Joseph Andre Leblanc • Marguerite LeBlanc • Marie-Josèphe LeBlanc • Marie LeBlanc • Pierre LeBlanc
Lead confidence: 5
Andre Leblanc
Birth 1659 • New Brunswick, Canada
Death May 4, 1743 • Nova Scotia, Canada
Parents Daniel Leblanc • Marie Francoise Gaudet
Siblings Antoine Leblanc • Etienne Leblanc • Jacques Leblanc • Marie Francoise Leblanc • Pierre Leblanc • Rene Leblanc
Spouse Marie Dugas • Marie Jeanne Dugas • Marie Madeleine Dugas
Children Anne Leblanc • Claire Leblanc • Claude Andre Leblanc • Francois Leblanc • Jacques Leblanc • Jean Leblanc • Joseph Andre Leblanc • Marie Louise Leblanc • Pierre Leblanc
Lead confidence: 2
André LeBlanc
Andre Le Blanc
Birth 1659 • Port Royal, Nova Scotia, Canada
Death May 4, 1743 • Grand-Pré, Kings, Nova Scotia, Canada
Marriage 1683 • Nova Scotia, Canada
Parents Daniel Le Blanc • Francoise Gaudet
Spouse marie dugas
Andre's death record @ Grand Pre Register for May 4/5 1743, states 86 years of age. Present and signed, Joseph Theriot and Pierrre Doucet
Ancestor of Father Edgard LeBlanc
The LeBlanc Family Genealogy record states that Andre was a ancestor of Father Edgrd LeBlanch, pastor of Barachois, N B, and thought to be also the ancestor of M Arthur LeBlanc, celebrated Acadian violinist, born August 18, 19-6 at St Anselme, N. B., married October 15, 1941 to Mll. Gertrude Gravel. A baby daughter was born to them in 1942. Now at Montreal.
!BIRTH-PARENTS-CENSUS-MARRIAGE-CHILDREN-DEATH-BURIAL: Steph en A. White, DICTIONNAIRE GENEALOGIQUE DES FAMILLES ACADIEN NES; 1636-1714; Moncton, New Brunswick, Centre d'Etudes Aca diennes, 1999, 2 vols.; pp. 983 & 991; own copy. #5: !BIRTH-MARRIAGE-CHILDREN-BURIAL: Arsenault, H&G, p. 1216 (G rand Pre'). Buried at St. Charles aux Mines. !CENSUS: 1671, Port Royal, Acadia [p. 10], age 12 years. !CENSUS: 1678, age 20 years. !MARRIAGE-DAUGHTER: Married 1683 at Port Royal to Anne-Mari e DUGAS, according to Ancestor Chart of Gail B. BURK. !CENSUS: 1686, Port Royal, Acadia, age 26 years, living wit hwife, age 19 and 1 child. No land or animals listed, bu t living next door to parents both age 60, with a considera ble holding. Other members of family are also nearby, wit h no land. !CENSUS: 1693,Les Mines, Acadia, age 35 years.
!Info from(1)Canadian Archives 1, 05-1671 CEN 2:5; New Brunsick magazine 2:328-9; French Canadian GEN. SOC. 5:9 and(2) Archives film(#1,274,363) BYU.
!Info from(1)Canadian Archives 1, 05-1671 CEN 2:5; New Brunsick
magazine 2:328-9; French Canadian GEN. SOC. 5:9 and(2) Archives
film(#1,274,363) BYU.
!Info from(1)Canadian Archives 1, 05-1671 CEN 2:5; New Brunsick
magazine 2:328-9; French Canadian GEN. SOC. 5:9 and(2) Archives
film(#1,274,363) BYU.
!INTERIM SOURCE NOTE: This person is part of the generation that came to Acadia from France or was a member of the first few succeeding generations who lived in Acadia in the 1600s and early 1700s.
Information on this person is from one or more of the secondary sources listed below. Until I find the time to add the specific source information (volume/page and exact source) this interim note willhave to suffice. The sources are:
Denis Beauregard's Dictionnaire Genealogique de la Ancienne Acadie is located at http://www.francogene.com/dgaa/index.php (explanation in both English and French at viewer's option; dictionnaire in French). His Francogene, an extensive list of Acadian genealogical sources and bibliography is located at http://www.francogene.com/acadia/resources.php (in English).
Acadian History and Genealogy website (gives brief history of Acadia and some selected Acadian family trees), at http://www.craftconn.com/genealogy/acadianh.htm (in English).
Acadian and French Canadian Ancestral Home (a searchable data base of web sites with information on early Acadian families, at http://www.acadian.org/ (in English).
Center for Acadian Studies, University of Moncton (New Brunswick), has short genealogies of 37 Acadian families, at http://www.umoncton.ca/umcm-ceaac/node/55 (in French).
See also, Stephen White's Dictionnaire Genealogique des Familles Acadiennes (in French, but available with an English supplement), the best and most recent secondary source for Acadian family information, described and available for purchase at http://www.umoncton.ca/umcm-ceaac/node/38
There is not much known about Andre Leblanc, son of Daniel Leblanc & Francoise Gaudet. He was born in 1659 and married Marie Dugas, who was the daughter of Abraham Dugas and Marguerite Doucet. Marie died about 13 Jan 1733/34 at the age of 70 and Andre died on 04 May 1743 at the age of 86. Both were buried at Grand Pre. In the Census of 1686, Andre is 26 years old and his wife, Marie, is 19 years old and they have a 2 year old son named Jean. He is working on paternal land at Port Royal. Later the same year, Andre moved his family to Grand Pre, where he owned his land and farm. In the Census of1693, Andre owned 8 horned cattle, 3 sheep, 5 pigs, almost 8 acres of cultivated land and 1 gun. Andre and Marie had 10 children. Their children would marry into the Bourgeois, Cormier, Boudrot, Doiron, Labauve, Granger, and Flan families.
Category:Port-Royal, Acadie
Category:Les Mines, Acadie
Category:Grand-Pr%C3%A9, Acadie
Biography==NOTICE: this profile is protected by the Acadian Project because of frequent duplication. Please contact the Acadian Project before making any substantive changes. Thanks for helping make WikiTree the best site for accurate information.
:André was born around 1659 to parents Daniel LeBlancand Fran%C3%A7oise Gaudet.≤ref name="DGFA"/> He was raised at the family homestead located east of the Fort at Port Royal (Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia, Canada). The farm was on the north bank of the Dauphin (Annapolis) River to the northeast of the marshlands of Belisle.≤ref name=BRH/>≤ref name=homestead>1707 homestead location of Pierre LeBlanc (last son to live with father Daniel before he died). In Au Coeur de l'Acadie Acadian Settlement on the Annapolis River 1707 Map Parks Canada≤/ref>≤ref name=Dauphin>Circa 1609 Map of Port Royal showing rivière du Dauphin. Map originally published in Canada: the Empire of the North by Agnes C. Laut≤/ref> Andr was counted in the 1671 census at Port-Royal with his parents and his six siblings.≤ref>Tim Hebert; Transcription of the 1671 Acadian Census, at Port-Royal, Acadie. 1671 Census Transcribed. The original census can be found at Census microfilm C-2572 of the National Archivesof Canada “Acadie Recensements 1671 – 1752” Images 3-14.≤blockquote>Daniel LeBLANC, farmer, 45, his wife Francoise GAUDET 48; their seven children: Married: Francoise 18; Unmarried: Jacques 20, Estienne15, Rene 14, Andre 12, Antoine 9, Pierre 7; cattle 18, sheep 26, 10 arpents of land.≤/blockquote>≤/ref> He was listed again with his parents at age 20.≤ref>Tim Hebert; 1678 Port Royal Acadian Census noting that the correlations for this census were done by Rev. Clarence J. d'Entremont, Fairhaven, Massachusetts.1678 Census≤blockquote>at Port Royal:Daniel LeBlanc, Francoise Godet; 12 cattle & 12 acres; 3 boys: 20, 1658; 17, 1661; 15, 1663.≤/blockquote>≤/ref>
:Around 1683 André married Marie Dugas, daughter of Abraham Dugas and Marguerite Doucet.≤ref name="DGFA">White, Stephen A., Patrice Gallant, and Hector-J Hébert; Moncton, N.-B.: Centre D'études Acadiennes, Université De Moncton, 1999, Print, pp. 983, 991.≤/ref> In 1686, the young couple was living with their young son Jean at André's parents' farm. However, by 1693, they had settled in Grand-Pré des Mines (translation: Great Meadow of the Minas Basin). Did they move where there was more available land, or were they convinced to leave after the 1690 raid on Port Royal?
:In the Census of 1686 André, is 26 years old and his wife, Marie is 19 years old and they have a two-year-old son named Jean and André isworking on the paternal land at Port-Royal. Later that same year, André moved his family to Grand-Pré where he owned his land and a farm.≤ref>Tim Hebert; Transcription of the 1686 Acadian Census, at Port-Royal, Acadie 1686 Census Transcribed. The original census can be found at Acadian Census microfilm C-2572 of the National Archives of Canada “Acadie Recensements 1671 – 1752”, Images 15-60.≤blockquote>at Port-Royal: Andre LeBlanc 26, Marie DUGAS 19; child: Jean 2.≤/blockquote>≤/ref>
:In 1693, 35-year-old André was living with 26-year-old Marie Dugas and their four children Jean 8, Marie 6, Pierre 4, and Anne 1. They had8 cattle, 3 sheep, 5 hogs, 1 gun, and 8 arpents of land (1 arpent= 0.845 acres).≤ref>Tim Hebert; Transcription of the 1693 Acadian Census at Port-Royal, Acadie 1693 Census Transcribed. The original census can be found at Acadian Census microfilm C-2572 of the National Archives of Canada “Acadie Recensements 1671 – 1752”, Images 62-108≤blockquote>at Mines: Andre LEBLANC 35, Marie DUGAS his wife 26, Jean 8, Marie 6, Pierre 4, Anne 1; 8 cattle, 3 sheep, 5 hogs, 8 arpents, 1 gun.≤/blockquote>≤/ref>
:By 1701 André had 5 sons, 2 daughters, 5 sheep, 8 pigs and three acres of land and I gun. ≤ref>Tim Hebert; Transcription of the 1701 Acadian Census at Port-Royal, Acadie 1701 Census Transcription. The originalcensus can be found at Acadian Census microfilm C-2572 of the National Archives of Canada “Acadie Recensements 1671 – 1752”, Images 174-211.≤blockquote>at Grand Pré: Andre LEBLANC, his wife, 5 boys, 2 girls, 3 arpents, 8 cattle, 5 sheep, 8 hogs, 1 gun.≤/blockquote>≤/ref> The family was counted again in 1703≤ref>Tim Hebert; Transcription of the 1703 Acadian Census at Port-Royal, Acadie 1703 Census Transcription. The original census can be found at Acadian Census microfilm C-2572 of the National Archives of Canada “Acadie Recensements 1671 – 1752”, Images 212-220.≤blockquote>at Les Mines: Andre LEBLANC, his wife, 6 boys, 7 girls, 2 arms bearers. ≤/blockquote>≤/ref>, 1707≤ref>Tim Hebert; Transcription of the 1707 Acadian Census at Port-Royal, Acadie 1707 Census Transcription. The original census can be found at Acadian Census microfilm C-2572 of the National Archives of Canada “Acadie Recensements 1671 – 1752”, Images 221-237.≤blockquote> at Mines/Minas Basin: Andre LEBLANC, his wife, 2 boys 14 or older, 3 younger boys, 2 girls 12 or older; 2 arpents, 9 cattle, 4 sheep, 1 hog. ≤/blockquote>≤/ref> and 1714.≤ref>Tim Hebert; Transcription of the 1714 Acadian Censusat Port-Royal, Acadie 1714 Census Transcription. The original census can be found at Acadian Census microfilm C-2572 of the National Archives of Canada “Acadie Recensements 1671 – 1752”, Images 239-261.≤blockquote> at Des Mines: Andre LeBLAN and his wife, 4 sons, 2 daughters.≤/blockquote>≤/ref>
:In 1704, the family may have been affected by the English raid on Grand-Pré. Benjamin Church arrived on the frigate 'Adventure', proclaiming that settlers should surrender within the hour. He was thwarted bythe tides which prevented access to settlements along the narrow brooks but made them targets for Acadians and Mi’kmaq on shore.≤ref name=Griffiths2005/> Some of the inhabitants had time to escape to the woods with their valuables. Then Church’s men start pillaging; two of his men were killed during a skirmish with the villagers. Grand-Pré was set on fire and the dykes were damaged. The after-effects of the raid were fairly mild. Slaughtered animals were eventually replaced and homes and dykes repaired. However, a drought the previous year and the loss of crops from the raid created a shortage of flour for 1704-05.≤ref name=Griffiths2005>Griffiths, Naomi E.S., From migrant to Acadian: a North-American border people, 1604-1755, (Montreal, Québec: McGill-Queen's University Press, 2005) ≤blockquote>
- p147-151 (King William’s War)*p 207-209 (1704 Raid on Grand-Pré and after-effects)≤/blockquote>≤/ref>
:By 1710, André and Marie had 10 children: Jean, Marie, Pierre, Anne, Jacques, Claude-Andr%C3%A9, Fran%C3%A7ois, Joseph, Charles-Andr%C3%A9, and Claire.≤ref name=DGFA/>
:After 1713, Grand-Pré was under permanent British Rule. Like most Acadians, André decided to remain at his homestead.
:On May 4 1743, André died and was buried the next day in Grand-Pré.≤ref name="DGFA"/>≤ref>Diocese of Baton Rouge, Catholic Church Records, vol. 1a: Acadian Records, 1707-1 748 (Diocese, 1999,); p. 121 : Text: "Andre LeBLANC, age 86 [sic], died 4 May 1743, buried 5 May 1743 in the cemetery of the parish of St Charles aux Mines a l'Acadie. Witnesses: Pierre DOUCET; Joseph TERIOT (SGA- 3, 20b)."≤/ref> Andre was the last survivor of Daniel LeBlanc's family
:c1659 birth
:1667-70 Treaty of Breda cedes Acadia to the French; settlement resumes≤ref>In collaboration, “MORILLON DU BOURG,” in Dictionary of Canadian Biography, vol. 1, University of Toronto/Université Laval, 2003–, accessed November 20, 2013≤/ref>
:1671 Residence, Port-Royal
:1670’s-1690’s Available farmland decreases; some leave Port-Royal to establish new villages including Grand-Pré (1680)≤ref name=pioneer>Pioneer Families, in 1755 l'Histoire etles Histoires, University of Moncton≤/ref>
:c1683 marriage to Marie Dugas
:1686 residence, Port-Royal
:c1684 birth, son Jean
:c1687 birth, daughter Marie
:c1689 birth, son Pierre
:1690 Phipps captures and sacks Port-Royal≤ref name=biophips>C.P.Stacey, “PHIPS, SIR WILLIAM,” in Dictionary of Canadian Biography, vol. 1, Universityof Toronto/Université Laval, 2003, accessed November 20, 2013≤/ref>≤ref name=biowikiphips>Wikipedia contributors, "William Phips," Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=William_Phips&oldid=9429... (accessed March 1, 2020)≤/ref>≤ref name=biotourasse>C.Bruce Fergusson,“LA TOURASSE, CHARLES,” in Dictionary of Canadian Biography, vol. 1, University of Toronto/Université Laval, 2003,accessed November 20, 2013≤/ref> Seamen from two ships later loot and burn between 28 and 35 homes/habitations including the parish church. ≤ref name=Dunn>Dunn, Brenda. A History of Port Royal / Annapolis Royal 1605-1800. (Halifax: Nimbus Publishing, 2004).
- p. 44-45 (1697 Treaty of Ryswick)
- p. 52-53 (1702 Queen Anne’s War)≤/ref>
:c1692 birth, daughter Anne
:1693 residence, Grand-Pré
:c1693-95 birth, son Jacques
:c1696 birth, son Claude-André
:1697 Treaty of Ryswick restores Acadia to France; Port-Royal is itscapital≤ref name=Dunn/>
:c1698 birth, son François
:c1701-03 birth, son Joseph-André
:1702 War of the Spanish Succession (Queen Anne’s War) starts between England and France≤ref name=Dunn/>
:1704 Raid on Grand-Pré≤ref name=Griffiths2005/>
:1707 birth, son Charles-André
:1710 birth, daughter Claire
:1713 Treaty of Utrecht. France cedes Acadia to England. Permanent British rule’’≤ref>The Neutrality: Political Context, in 1755 l'Histoire et les Histoires", University of Moncton≤/ref>
:1714 Residence, Grand-Pré
:1715 Delegates from Grand-Pré sign a conditional oath of allegiance, promising to stay true to the King of Great Britain for as long as they stayed in Nova Scotia, and to remain neutral in the event of a conflict between France and Great Britain
:1720 and onward Acadians refuse to sign an unconditional oath of allegiance. This is tolerated by the British as they lack military meansto enforce the oath.≤ref name=oath>The Neutrality, 1755 Histoire et Les Histoires, University of Moncton at http://cfml.ci.umoncton.ca/1755-html/indexd093.html?id=010202000&la...≤/ref>
:1713-1744 Golden Age≤ref name=Griffiths92>Griffiths, Naomi E.S. The Contexts of Acadian History 1686-1784.Published for the Center for Canadian Studies Mount Allison University, (Montreal: McGill-Queens University Press, 1992), p. 61 (golden age);≤/ref> of Acadian Growth and Prosperity”
:1743 death
:"Une autre lignée des LeBlanc au sud-est du Nouveau-Brunswick descend du quatrième fils de Daniel. Celui-ci, prénommé André, naquit vers 1659.≤ref name="DGFA"/> Leur ferme familiale était située a l'estdu fort à Port-Royal (Annapolis Royal, Nouvelle-Écosse, Canada), sur la rive nord de la rivière du Dauphin (Annapolis), aunord-est des marais de Belisle.≤ref name=BRH>Le Bulletin des Recherches Historiques, vol XVIII, 1912, p. 357. (archive.org)≤/ref>≤ref name=homestead/>≤ref name=Dauphin/>
:André épousa vers 1683 Marie Dugas, fille d'Abraham Dugas et Marguerite Doucet.≤ref name="DGFA"/>
:En 1686, le jeune couple vivait avec les parents d'André. Mais en 1693, ils se sont installés à Grand-Pré.
:Entre 1684 et 1710 environ, le couple a eu 10 enfants: Jean, Marie, Pierre, Anne, Jacques, Claude-André, François, Joseph-André, Charles-André, et Claire.≤ref name=DGFA/>
:André est décédé le 4 mai 1743 à l'âge d'environ 86 ans et a été inhumé le lendemain dans le cimetière de la paroisse St-Charles aux Mines.
≤references />
::See Also:* Annette and Arthur Owens, Our Maritime Ties
André LeBlanc's Timeline
1659 |
Port-Royal, Acadie, [Nouvelle-France]
1683 |
Grand Pré, Kings, Nova Scotia, Canada
1684 |
Port-Royal,, Acadie, Nouvelle-France
1687 |
Grand-Pre, Acadie, [Nouvelle-France]
1689 |
Grand-Pré, Acadie, Nouvelle-France
1692 |
Grand-Pre, Acadie, Nouvelle-France
1694 |
Grand-Pré, Acadie, [Nouvelle-France]
1696 |
St.Charles des Mines, Acadie, Nouvelle-France
Geni will not allow me to add the next generations, so... Parents of Andre: Father: Daniel LeBlanc; born 1626 at Martaize, Loudun, Vienne, France; died between 1695 and 1698, Port Royal,,NS. Mother: Francoise Gaudet; born 1623, , France; died date unknown. father: Jean Goudet born 1575, Martaize, la Vienne, France. |