Lacy surname spelling has varied from its roots and origin. Orginally from its root Latin term in Italy, Laciacum, became the place name De Laci (of Laci, in the Lacian district) when carried from Italy to Gaul during Roman occupation. Translated by the French to Lassy, became the small town in Normandy, Department of Calvados.
During the conquest of England in 1066, the name became anglicized to De Lacy (see book Lacy Family of England and Ireland by Wightman). In the next few centuries the surname evolved to several varities, including Lacye (see book Blazon of the Gentrie: Lacyes Nobilitie), Lacie (uncertain origin, perhaps a Visitation spelling), Lassy (popular spelling in Rhineland area of European countries) and Lacy (root term from Laci of Italy and France). The spelling form of Lacey does not seem to have emerged until the 1700's when it became popular among several immigrant familes to the US and in Ireland (see books Prerogative Wills of Ireland and Coldhams Immigrants).
Today in the USA, the surname of LACY is the #1263 most common last name with 0.01% of last names in the US are LACY, where around 25000 people have LACY as a last name. The frequency ranking is 8.25 out of every 100,000 persons. Top 5 States with most frequently occuring surname of Lacy are:
1. Texas 2. California 3. Virginia 4. Florida 5. Tennessee