There are already 1,693 users and over 45,071 genealogy profiles with the Hoffman surname on Geni. Explore Hoffman genealogy and family history in the World's Largest Family Tree.
Dedicated to Abbie: Howard "Abbie" Hoffman (November 30, 1936 – April 12, 1989) was a political and social activist who co-founded the Youth International Party ("Yippies").Hoffman was arrested and tri...
Biography Adrian Wendell Hoffman was born on February 18, 1924 in Alamance County, North Carolina, USA. His parents were Arthur Gurley Hoffman and Katie Evelena Hoffman (Faucette) .
He died on Septem...
Biography Alse Hoffman (Fishback) was born circa 1727 in Virginia, United States. Her parents were Harman (“Harman”) Fischbach and Anna Cathrina Fishback (Utterback) .
Alse married John Hoffman
Biography Anna Margaretha Hoffman was born on November 27, 1748 in Orange (now Madison) County, Virginia.
Her parents were Johannes Hofmann and Maria Sabina Charlotta Barbara Hofmann (Volck) .
She w...
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