There are already 267 users and over 9,696 genealogy profiles with the Ferris surname on Geni. Explore Ferris genealogy and family history in the World's Largest Family Tree.
We don’t know the name of the first wife of Jeffrey Ferris (1610-1666) from any record. She is said to have been buried in Stamford, Connecticut with a death date recorded of 31 May 1658.Not the same a...
Biography Josiah Ferris was Abigail's 2nd husband. She married him as widow Ferris.
Was she a Daniels? Her first husband is an unknown Ferris (not Jeremiah son of Joseph; he married another Abigail). ...
William Henry Ferris 23/05/19 28 Birth place charters tower Died 22/02/1967 Fought in boar war
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