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Eddy Genealogy and Eddy Family History Information

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  • Abigail Eddy (1643 - c.1677)
    My second cousin nine times removed, and my third cousin ten times removed through great grandfather's sister, Alice Doggett. [Harry Kenneth Doggett]Sources:1. "Records of Births, Deaths, and Marriages...
  • Abigail Eddy (1688 - 1730)
    Family Data Collection - BirthsName: Abigail Devotion Father: John Devotion Mother: Hannah Pond Birth Date: 1688 City: Brookline State: MA Country: USASource Information: Edmund West, comp., Family Dat...
  • Abigail Eddy (1751 - 1799)
    Reference-Full Text: A History and Genealogy of the Conant Family in England and America, Thirteen Generations, 1520-1887: Containing Also Some Genealogical Notes on the Connet, Connett and Connit Fami...
  • Abigail Eddy (c.1657 - 1720)
    From: The Eddy Family in America page 34 He [Zachariah] m. (2) Abigail Smith, widow of Dermit Smith (alias Jeremiah, for which Dermit was a common nickname). She d. Sept. 13, 1720 leaving a will, date...
  • Abigail Eddy (Weeks) (1715 - d.)

About the Eddy surname

This section is a placeholder for information about the Eddy surname. Surname information is crowd-sourced; the Geni community would be grateful if you helped update this page with information about the Eddy surname.

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