Historical records matching Abigail Eddy
Immediate Family
About Abigail Eddy
- Reference-Full Text: https://archive.org/details/historygenealogy00cona/page/178/mode/2up
- A History and Genealogy of the Conant Family in England and America, Thirteen Generations, 1520-1887: Containing Also Some Genealogical Notes on the Connet, Connett and Connit Families Frederick Odell Conant Private print. [Press of Harris & Williams], 1887 - 640 pages pp 178-180
I am new to Geni but not to genealogy. I was president of the Eddy Family Association for many years and was the editor for our last family genealogical supplement (2005). Geni identified a tree match for me between Abigail Eddy (Conant) and Abigail Hackett (Conant). Both profiles list Benjamin Conant and Lydia Lamb as Abigail's parents. However one tree list Able Eddy and a husband and the other lists Josiah Hackett as a husband (at the same time). No divorce is listed and birth dates of the children under each husband overlap. Able's and Josiah's wife cannot be the same person. I have seen this error in Ancestry. But Ancestry is multiple individual trees. If I understand Geni correctly it's goal is to make one complete worldwide tree. So such an error effects Geni a great deal. In the 1930 Eddy Family in America it is recorded "In 1769 Abel sold out his property to his brother Thomas (Worcester Co. Deeds, 61.73) and moved to the new country of Warwick, Mass. Here he purchased a piece of land and gradually acquired a very good farm. He settled near the parents of his wife from whom she inherited a portion of a farm. The Hampshire Co. Deeds on file at Springfield have this record.
(Book 10, 682) We, being heirs of the estate of our father, Benjamin Conant, late of Warwick, dec'd, sell to our brother Ezra Conant, etc. Among those who signed the deed were: Benjamin Conant, Abijah Conant, Abel Eddy and Abigail Eddy; and Asa Conant. Dated June 26, 1770.
(4. 147) Abel Eddy of Warwick bought 120 acres in Warwick-lot No. 18 and No. 26. Dated Sept. 27, 1777,
(13. 5,7) Abel Eddy of Warwick yeoman . . . to my son, Ebenezer of Warwick, yeoman, for $430-as his portion out of my estate-half part of my farm. 8o acres bounded by Benjamin Conant and Jesse Warwick, Eleazar Wheelock, etc. Dated Mar. 6, 1791.
(18. 62o) Abel and Ebenezer Eddy sold . . . lot No. r8 and a part of lot 26. This deed was signed by Abel and Abigail Eddy and Ebenezer and Sarah Eddy and witnessed by Lucy Eddy. Oct. 24, 1803."
I think this clearly shows that Abigail was Abel's wife and not Josiah Hackett's wife. I believe that Josiah's Abigail needs to be unconnected from Benjamin and Lydia (Lamb) Conant as parents.
Please Advise
Thomas Eddy Thomas@Eddyfamily.com Thomas.A.Eddy@gmail.com Cell 404-694-0644
@R1650705416@ Ancestry Family Trees Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com. Original data: Family Tree files submitted by Ancestry members.
Ancestry Family Tree http://trees.ancestry.com/pt/AMTCitationRedir.aspx?tid=113350593&pi...
- Reference: MyHeritage Family Trees - SmartCopy: Oct 15 2023, 21:25:52 UTC
Abigail Eddy's Timeline
1751 |
March 4, 1751
Dudley, Worcester County, Massachusetts, Colonial America
1771 |
January 17, 1771
Warwick, Franklin County, Massachusetts, Colonial America
1773 |
August 11, 1773
Warwick, Franklin County, Massachusetts, Colonial America
1776 |
June 1, 1776
Warwick, Franklin County, MA, United States
1778 |
June 19, 1778
WArwick, Franklin, Ma.
1784 |
May 13, 1784
Warwick, Franklin, Massachusetts
1786 |
August 11, 1786
Warwick, Franklin County, MA, United States
1790 |
May 13, 1790
Warwick, Franklin County, MA, United States
1792 |
Warwick, Franklin, Mass.