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Busby Genealogy and Busby Family History Information

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  • Abigail Busby (1632 - 1710)
    Susannah Freeman married John Compton, a laborer & clothier, by about 1632 in England (assuming she was the mother of his only known child). They came to Massachusetts Bay in 1634. They first settled i...
  • Agnes Busby (1800 - 1889)
    Agnus Dow married James Busby when he returned to Sydney in October 1832, at Segenhoe, on the Hunter River, on 1 November. They were to have six children in nine years. Agnes was present at the signing...
  • Matt Busby (1909 - 1994)
    Sir Alexander Matthew Busby CBE KCSG (26 May 1909 – 20 January 1994) was a Scottish football player and manager, who managed Manchester United between 1945 and 1969 and again for the second half of the...
  • Alice Nickerson (1547 - 1596)
  • Alvin Glenn Busby (1901 - 1978)
    Biography= Alvin G Busby United States Census, 1910 [1] * Name: Alvin G Busby* Event Type: Census* Event Date: 1910* Event Place: Ellensburg Ward 1, Kittitas, Washington, United States* Gender: Male* A...

About the Busby surname

other versions of this surname

Buzbee, Buzbee, Bixby, Bekelsky