
Started by Private User on Sunday, September 18, 2011
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Saga, short of finding some ancestral DNA at just a few removes (i.e. not more than 5 generations from him), we're not likely to get decent results any time soon. Y-DNA is a washout, no provable male-line descent. MtDNA needs to be matched on the female line (mother, sister, etc) and you'd need tons of both luck and research to find a straight female-line match (if one exists). Mixed descent washes them both out and leaves you with nothing but autosomal DNA - which degenerates to the "random noise" level in about 5 to 7 generations (and he's *how* many generations back?)

They're still refining the techniques, so maybe someday...but I wouldn't hold my breath.

Hi Cousins

Mixed heritage - Scots, Irish, Dutch and German to find that Charlemagne is my 33rd great grandfather not what I expected when studying him at school!

Kind Regards
Karen Tait-Lane

Hello fellow descendants! Initially geni told me I was a 36 x great grandson of Charlemagne though that pathway has now seemingly closed. The historical controversy seems to be regarding Judith of Flanders Judith of Flanders. I'm a descendent of Skuli Tostigson/Tostisson av Rein Skule Kongsfostre, paa Rein, who was the son of Tostig Godwinson, Earl of Northumbria Tostig Godwinson, the Earl of Northumbria. He was married to Judith, but I suppose there is a question-mark as to whether Judith was Skule's actual mother. So, since Judith was the connection to Charlemagne, that direct line is then lost if she's not his real mother. Funnily enough though, irrespective of that path, there is now another path making me a 41 x great grandson of Charlemagne, so I take it all with a grain of salt... It's just fun to learn about these things. As I'm a filmmaker, I decided to dramatize the finding for the sake of it. Hope you distant cousins enjoy! And if you have any insights to the Tostig-Judith-Skule thing, please let me know

Hello. He still figures as my 36th Grandfather... I am quite lost in all this story....

lol Love it Erik Anderson

I've read through all the comments here regarding Charlemagne and figured I'd add my two cents worth. My dad never knew for certain who his biological father was due to his mother's, who herself was adopted at 6 years old, lifestyle (5 kids 4 different fathers) and he used a completely different name of the next guy my grandmother took up with. So I had DNA testing not long after my dad passed. My dad's birth certificate (which he never saw until a teenager) identified him with "no name" and information to a guy who I assume his mother had a brief affair with. She was never married to him. It turns out she was right as I had a 100% match to someone who had my dad's biological father in his tree. One thing led to another genealogy wise and it turns out my dad's family has deep roots in this country back to the 1600's. Then through connecting to Geni and the World Family Tree all of a sudden I'm going back Charlemagne and even a couple generations earlier than him. Turns out Charlemagne is my 36th GGrandfather. Now given Charlemagne's history I might have expected to see some relationship to him on my mother's Swede, Swiss, and Danish side especially reading through the names of others posting comments here and their Scandinavian roots. So I type in a few of the names to see if any are related on my mom's side. Not one that connected was to my mother's family. I know my dad who really never had real roots on either side and not much of a family life growing up would have been amazed to see all the royalty and famous individuals he was related to. Pretty unbelievable for a guy who frequently described himself as a "bastard".

My 31st great grandfather.

Greetings to all my cousins....from near to abroad!

I love Charlemagne by Erik Anderson

it seems he is my g grand parent on both mum and dads side ....

Charlemagne is my 33rd great grandfather.

can anyone translate the orig post here?

google translate: ur Charlemagne, his descendants and ancestry listen to the very interesting program on history and genealogy on France Culture see For my part I strongly doubt the Greek descent of Charlemagne. Yours truly

Richard, Laura, Eero and Steve (and others), he's still my 32 Great Grandfather.

The world tree is evolving, but what I don't like is when someone adds "NN" to link me to "cousins" and also sometimes to someone famous. This isn't helpful, nor does it build confidence that I'm related. Here the link with Charlemagne for me is clean and I have confidence.

Charlemagne is my 35th great grandfather.

He's my 34th great grandfather without any NN's or blanks or red or green ! It is in a direct blue line starting from my father's mother. Isn't it known that most of us are descendants of Charlemagne !

I believe Attila the Hun holds that title. Then, Wilt Chamberlain. Then, Charlemagne.

Hey, family researchers!

What you believe has no importance in our common genealogy, only facts are valid.

So, ALL OF YOU claiming Charlemagne to be your ancestor NEED TO PROVE IT WITH PRIMARY OR GOOD SECONDARY SOURCES!!!!!

You need to research every link from yourself to him and make sure it is correct before you claim any kind of relations to Charlemagne. If you don't do that before you claim your relationship, you're just adding another good (bad) story to Charlemagnes descendantcy and that is just adding to the incredibility of his descendantcy.

Please, instead of your wishful thinking, tet's stick to the facts.

There is only 1 "kink" in my line from me to Charlemagne....but I'm workin' on it. Either a generation is missing, tied into the wrong place, or....somethin'.... anyways, all the profiles between he and I are well documented with sources, and most done by MP curators. I'll take their findings as solid....period.

Diana Collins
Hi cuz!

this is my line to Charlemagne is your 37th great grandfather.
→ Edward Joseph Francis
your father → Henry Arthur Francis
his father → Charlotte Elinor Horsey
his mother → Fane Thomas Hedge McClymont
her father → Elizabeth Eliza McClymont
his mother → Hannah Mathews - Denham
her mother → Fane / Phaon Strange Edge [Free Settler "Pitt" 1791]
her father → Peter Edge, (son of Phaon)
his father → Fane / Phaon Strange Edge
his father → Catherine Edge
his mother → Rev. the Hon William Fane
her father → Sir Francis Fane, 1st Earl of Westmorland
his father → Lady Mary Fane, Baroness le Despenser
his mother → Henry Neville, 6th and de jure 4th Baron Abergavenny
her father → Sir George Neville, 5th and de jure 3rd Baron Bergavenny
his father → George Neville, 4th and de jure 2nd Baron Bergavenny
his father → Edward Neville, 3rd Baron of Bergavenny
his father → Joan Beaufort, Countess of Westmorland
his mother → John of Gaunt, 1st Duke of Lancaster
her father → Edward III of England
his father → Isabella of France, Queen consort of England
his mother → Jeanne I, Queen of Navarre
her mother → Henry I the Fat, king of Navarre
her father → Teobaldo I el Cantautor, rey de Navarra
his father → Thibault III de Blois, comte de Champagne
his father → Henri I de Blois 'le Libéral', count of Champagne & Brie
his father → Thibault IV de Blois, II de Champagne
his father → Adela, Countess of Blois
his mother → Matilda of Flanders
her mother → Baldwin V, count of Flanders
her father → Baldwin IV the Bearded, count of Flanders
his father → Arnulf II the Young, count of Flanders
his father → Baldwin III, count of Flanders
his father → Arnulf I the Great, count of Flanders
his father → Baldwin II "the Bald", count of Flanders
his father → Judith, countess of Flanders
his mother → Charles II "the Bald", Western Emperor
her father → Louis I, The Pious
his father → Charlemagne
his father he is my 31st great grandfather as I showed earlier...AND he is also my 34th great grandfather, because Matilda of Flanders is my 24th great grandmother....

Matilda of Flanders


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