There are already 179 users and 4,924 genealogy profiles with the Wynne surname on Geni. Explore Wynne genealogy and family history in the World's Largest Family Tree.
Additional Curator's Notes: Agnes Jane Stith was the natural daughter of Jane Mosby and Joseph Parsons. Joseph Parson died before Agnes was born. Her mother married John Drury Stith before Agnes was bo...
Birth: Jul. 26, 1919 Death: Mar. 6, 2004CRAWFORDVILLE Ga.- Mrs. Allyene Long Wynne, age 84, beloved wife of Mr. John Veazey Wynne entered into rest Saturday March 6, 2004 at the residence. Funeral se...
Angus Gilchrist Wynne, Jr., real estate developer and founder of Six Flags Over Texas, was born on January 9, 1914, in Kaufman County, Texas. He was the oldest child of Angus Gilchrist Wynne, Sr., and ...
Origin in Wales. Then to Ireland. Then to Canada and U.S.A.
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