There are already 18 users and 1,171 genealogy profiles with the Winegar surname on Geni. Explore Winegar genealogy and family history in the World's Largest Family Tree.
brief biography==daughter of a Philip Nase (possibly Philip Nase of a Samuel Snyder (probably Lieutenant Samuel Snyder surname has also been reported to be:* Nase * Nees * Neice
Birth surname has also been reported to be Rowe .Date and place of birth have also been (erroneously?) reported to be circa 1727 at Amenia, Dutchess County, New York.Date of death has also been (errone...
comments==Birth surname might actually be Schneider .Given name has also been reported to be:* Anna Catharine* Anna Catherine* Anna KatherineDate and place of birth have also been (erroneously?) report...
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