from Balázs Déri
Some Wimmer families may descend from Mer-Win king of Gwynedd that is of Vendotia , home of wendot tribe ,ancestor of Merowing family ruling also in Franconia. He was namely the one who was called by Indians Ashoka by aigyptian greeks Asokhaios , and after conquering Hiero-Solyma at Mount Roraima also Hierón ( Hiwerón ) ,ancesor of huron nation .
See Banard,Konvalinka,Riyadi,Dér,Horpatzky,Coel,Kamil,Balkar,Lynka,Tulipan,Tavi,Alexander,Urban, Meroving,Iklódy,Kaminker,Rosenfeld,Demsky and more !
Balázs Déri