milevsko Tschechoslovakei
Balázs Déri :
Wien ,formerly Vindobona ,capital of Austria at the river Wien it has been named for ,
where Wiener families trace in one way or another their origins back ,might have been founded by
members of Winawi tribe ,better known as Puinawi ,from the Holy Land of America ,living near its
capital at the sources of the river Gewag-Ha-Yanna that flows around the land named for it Guayana ,
which is the Orinoco,and beyond the QDRYN ,now translated as Rio Negro .
They are also related to tribes called Na-Dobo ,together with members of which Winawi peoples
in the exile ,caused by the Babele occupation in the 7th century BC ,may have come to found the
settlement named for themselves Wina-Dobo-Na ,that is Winawi-Nadobo ,later reinterpreted in Celtic
by immigrants using that language as Vindo-Bona ,which means White Basement ,in their language .
The peoples in the matter may be descended from Anubis ,or even from several persons called Anubis ,
who appear to be identical ,as Ani was he Mesopotamian name of the "god" ,
or rather planet Uranos of Greeks ,with rulers of the Syrian town of 'YGRT called Ub-Urani .
There were several of such names ,the exact relation of whom to one another is not known .
The river at Wien ,the Danubis ,might also be called for them ,Da-Anubi ,and this is the reason the city is
called Dunaj by Slovakians .
Uranos ,that is Ani ,one of the twelve "gods" ,may in genealogical sense be identical with DN ,
one of the twelve forefathers of the Chosen People ,the Native Americans ,named apparently after the
twelve planets ,as sons of the Sun .
The first Anubis though might have been not his son ,but of Osiris ,identified with Dionys ,the youngest of
the twelve ,or rather a son of his ,as we shall see .
The three sons of Osiris in the respective legend ,Hóros,Makedón and Anubis ,in a late Hellenic Aigyptian
account ,may be identical with the tree sons of Hayk in the ancient Armenian traditions ,
by name Khor,Armenak and Manawaz .
Hayk may be the same as NYKhH ,one of the sons of B-NWMWN ,the youngest "god" ,"father" of the town
of Numun ,called also Sür-Ara(b),the generic ancestor thus of Syrian Arabs ,known also as Phoinician ,
because BNNW is the name if the Phoinix in old Aigyptian .
He may be identified with Ikshwaaku ,son of Manu ,son of Soorya ,the Sun ,in Hindu traditions ,preserved in
the language of Levites of the tribe of BNWMWN ,the Samskrt dialect ,and thus with Iakkhos ( I-Waak-K'sh ) ,
son of Dionys .
The latter was called in Aigyptian WSL ,so with Iakkhos ( I-Waag-K'sh ) ,he may be the ancestor of peoples
called after them Yugo-Slaven .
Anubis was the "god" of Kynopolis ,called in the local langauge SRB ,where Srb people may originate .
The three sons of Osiris thus ,Hór ,Makedón and Anubis,may be the forefathers of the Yugoslavian peoples
called Horwat,Makedon and Srb .
For one An-Ubi ,that is Ub-Urani ,or more ones ,the Anodöub ,that is An-Odo-i-Ub tribe might have received
their name ,and as Uranos is identical with E-Den-Na ,those called Ub-Dene-Her too .
Both are identical with or closely related to the Nadobo ,and to the Winawi or Puinawi .
The Aigyptian name of Anubis was YNPW ,read as Ayan-Na-Pawa ,and the Puinawi may be named for this ,
as Pawa-Ayan-Na-wi .
This is also the equivalent of the late antique demonym Poen ,applied for Phoinicians .
Not every Uburanis / Anubises might necessarily have been the issue of the first one ,
son of Osiris alias Hayk .
The town of Pydna ,for instance ,which might have been Pui-Den-Na ,the locality of the Puinawi Dene tribe,
lied in Makedonia ,so some of them might have been from the lineage of the first one's brother ,Makedón ,
alias Armenak ,ancestor of the Makedo-Roman or Armön peoples .
A Makedón ,not necessarily the first one ,was the father of Pindos ,from whom the E-Pined tribe among the
Puinawi may hail ,and another ,or the same of Pieros ( Piwer ) ,who might have been Pi-Wair ,
and the progenitor of the Wai(r)pí ,also there .
A Makedón ,and his brother , Magnés ,were the sons of Zeys ,might have been Ma-Kedón and Ma-Genna ,
and may be the ancestors of the Ma-Yupteri tribe or village among the Yanomami .
So it appears that Maku-Dow and Anodöub peoples ,for whom Vindobona ,the Winawi and Nadobo settlement
might have been named ,were descended from several Syrian Arabs rulers of the state of 'YGRT ,
of unknown exact relations to one another ,called Ub-Urani ,that is Anubis ,and Nukmad
,which corresponds to Makdún ,that were equally Yugoslavians .
So Wien in fact may also be a Yugoslav foundation ,in the first place Makedon and Srb ,
in the process of which Vend people might also have taken part ,after whom an alternative name of
Vendo-Mina was also used .
The dominant group though might have been the Winawi or Puinawi and the Nadobo or Aniodöub ,
called also Ub-Dene-Herr ,the Phoinician sons of Anubis(es) .
See Wien,Makedonac,Pazarac,Makó,Horn,Hayk,Hajek,Hájek,Grabar,Bécsi,Dunajsky,Duneitz,Den,Kott,
Santamaría,Santarém,Nyamunda,Mundari ,Kujawiak,Pame,Pama,Surara and others !