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Walker Genealogy and Walker Family History Information

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  • First wife of Samuel Walker (1627 - c.1716)
    Hannah (Alger) Walker (abt. 1620 - abt. 1675) Hannah Walker formerly Alger Born about 1620 in Woburn, Middlesex, Massachusetts [uncertain] Daughter of [father unknown] and [mother unknown] [sibli...
  • 1st wife of Augustine Walker (b. - bef.1613)
    1st wife of Augustine Walker name unknown. mother of Ann Holland, Mary Johnson, Elizabeth Warren, Dorothy Walker.===NotesMary (Stringer) Walker, widow of John Jouatt, was Augustine’s second wife; she w...
  • Abel Walker (1736 - 1819)
    A Patriot of the American Revolution for MASSACHUSETTS with the rank of PRIVATE. DAR Ancestor # A120938 Abel Walker, son of Caleb & Abigail (Dean) Walker, b. 13 May 1736 in Rehoboth MA, and d. 17 Feb 1...
  • Abiather Walker (1745 - d.)
  • Abigail Walker (1704 - 1795)
    ~Daughter of:Dr. Ezra DeanMarriage:. Caleb Walker Sr., 6 Jan 1726* Reference: Find A Grave Memorial - SmartCopy : Jun 10 2022, 21:36:11 UTC

About the Walker surname


From an unidentified source:

English (especially Yorkshire) and Scottish: occupational name for a fuller, Middle English walkere, Old English wealcere, an agent derivative of wealcan "to walk, tread". This was the regular term for the occupation during the Middle Ages in western and northern England. Compare Fuller and Tucker.

As a Scottish surname it has also been used as a translation of Gaelic Mac an Fhucadair "son of the fuller".