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von der Porten Genealogy and von der Porten Family History Information

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  • Alice Bousch (1662 - 1743)
    Married 1) Robert Hodges 2) William Porten 3) Samuel BoushCol. Samuel Boush married Alice Mason, daughter of Col. Lemuel Mason and widow of Wm. Porten. More About Samuel Boush I and Alice Mason: Marria...
  • Anna Josephine Lippmann (1881 - 1943)
    Eintrag im »Gedenkbuch« des Bundesarchivs:* Lippmann, Anna Josephine* geborene von der Porten* geboren am 31. Oktober 1881 in Hamburg / - / Hansestadt Hamburg* wohnhaft in Hamburg (Winterhude)* Todesda...
  • Elizabeth Eskridge (c.1682 - bef.1744)
    Married 1) Richard Cradock 2) Daniel Porten 3) George Eskridge After the death of his first wife, Rebecca, he married Elizabeth Vaulx, (1700-1744) (daughter of Robert Vaulx and Mary Foxal) in 1716. The...
  • Dr. med. Ernst von der Porten (1884 - 1940)
    Ernst von der Porten, born 10 May 1884 in Hamburg, married on 26 November 1911 Friederike Frieda Alexander, born 2 December 1885 in Hamburg, and they had three daughters: 1. Gerda Friederike, b. 9 Oct...
  • Eva Marianne de Zwart (1917 - 1945)
    emigrated from Germany to Amsterdam in 1936, 1938 to Brussels; deported from the Nazis from Holland to Auschwitz KZ, then to Bergen-Belsen KZ, declared death 1945cf.: :

About the von der Porten surname

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