My name is Gloria Jean Edlin Hardwick
My Parents are James Owen Edlin and Hazel Louise Veazey Edlin. Mother mothers parents were Ira Veazey and Nancy "Lala" Elizabeth Fawcett Veazey
I have a sister: Belinda Louise Edlin Ballard, and 3 brothers, Robert Wayne Edlin, James Daniel Edlin and David Franklin Edlin.
My name is Marsha Gail Kamish Veazey.
My husband is Robert Thomas Veazey. His roots go back to John Veazey of Cecil Co, MD, back in the late 1600s. If anyone has any information to share, please contact me. Please don't show me anything from ancestry.com, though since it has incorrect information - the MD Veazeys are not descended from the Suffolk/Essex Veazeys - this was proven by DNA.