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About the Turk surname

from Balázs Déri

Turk peoples in general are inhabitants of Tur's region north to Iran ,also called Turan .

The first Tur,of whom the region originally might have got its name ,may be the man of whom Thrakians were talking as Turmasgadis ( Tur-Mar-Sa-Gadi ) ,who may be identical with A-Mar-Gad-Sa of the Byble ,of whom Samar-Kand in Sogdia,the home of Samaritanians,who are the Méds and Persians might have been named .

His descendants are supposed to have spoken Mataco / Wikyi languages ,likely related to modern Weinakh ones ,while the later predominant "Turk" language is of origin connected to Himalayan colonists, descending from an other branch of Dahas ,namely from that od Ak-Ha-Ma-ya-'Ala .

Still there are some ancient Weinakh words in Türk langauge such as 'güzel' that may be derived of Ingush 'gu-yezel' .

Amargadsa's father was Ar-Ran-Ma son of Awar-Reg-Ham-Ma'a'le son of Ek-Ha-Cher-Aya-Na who are known in Armenian tradition as Amasia,Aramais,Armenak,and Haik.

The latter's father in fact should then be A.-Pa-Rat-Sa ,ancestor of Parsa ( Pa-A-Rat-Sa ) and of Sparta peoples in general .

See Csernák, Cernák, Székely, Sidó, Magyar, Magyary, Viking, Smaragd, Deáky, Saud, Bashkirov, Baskurt, Türk, Bácsy, Weinhandler, Koksharov, Mokshin, Mordvin, Springer, Mazanderani, Azarbaijani, Apjok, Cermák, Kart, Vastag, Kövér, István, Körmendi, Cherkasov, Drust, Drevenka, Barber, Csicsery, Ungar, Csécsényi, Isfahani, Mujahid, Afghani, Árpástói, Irani, Iron, Alcoy, Mari, Kamenev, Görög, Izdenczy, Bolgar, Kalmyk, Mataco and more !

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