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Straus Genealogy and Straus Family History Information

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  • Rebecca Hamburger (Straus) (c.1820 - 1876)
    Also funeral from Temple Ahawath Chesed, Lexington Ave., & 55th St., Manhattan where her son Samuel B. was then President of the Temple in 1876. She died at home which was 247 East 60th St., NYC. Belon...
  • Aino Straus (1921 - 2022)
    Notar Tiit Sepp on algatanud 30.08.2022 surnud Aino Straus (nimi ei ole muutunud), sündinud 12.08.1921, pärimismenetluse.
  • Albert Aharon Straus (1884 - 1918)
    Albert Straus was one of the first Jews in Germany to receive a PhD. in agriculture, a dream denied to countless generations of his Jewish ancestors - to be connected to the land. But World War I inter...
  • Anna Hiemenz (1852 - 1952)
  • Anneliese Straus (1923 - 1941)
    Eintrag im »Gedenkbuch« des Bundesarchivs: Straus, Anneliesegeboren am 25. August 1923 in Offenbach a. Main / - / Hessen wohnhaft in Frankfurt a. MainDeportation: 1941, OsttransportSchicksal: für tot e...

About the Straus surname

This section is a placeholder for information about the Straus surname. Surname information is crowd-sourced; the Geni community would be grateful if you helped update this page with information about the Straus surname.

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