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  • (unknown mother) (b. - 1975)
  • Aaron Scott, Sr (1750 - 1839)
    A Patriot of the American Revolution for VERMONT with the rank of PRIVATE. DAR Ancestor # A101400
  • Abigail Bosworth (c.1627 - 1684)
    Ancestry of Charles Stinson Pillsbury and John Sargent Pillsbury by Holman, Mary Lovering, 1868-1947, Pillsbury, Helen Pendleton Winston, 1878-1957 Vol. 1* EDMUND SCOTT born probably in Rattlesden, Suf...
  • Abigail Jane Duniway (1834 - 1915)
    Abigail Scott Duniway (October 22, 1834 – October 11, 1915) was an American women's rights advocate, newspaper editor and writer, whose efforts were instrumental in gaining voting rights for women.Duni...
  • Abigail Daniell (1656 - 1717)

About the Scott surname

The surname Scott was originally given by the Romans to Gaelic raiders from Ireland. Scott is derived from the Old English pre 7th century word Scotti, or the Latin Scottus, meaning Irishman, specifically a Gael. Given the warlike conditions which applied in the English border counties the name was not always complimentary.

Scott can also be an ethnic or geographical name signifying a native from Scotland or a person who spoke Gaelic.

Variant forms: Scotto, Skeate, Scotus
