There are already 146 users and over 6,605 genealogy profiles with the Schell surname on Geni. Explore Schell genealogy and family history in the World's Largest Family Tree.
Family 1 Johannes Casper (Sr) SCHELL, b. 1 Jan 1716, Ettringen, Rheinland Prussia, (germany) Married 24 Sep 1747 Lancaster, Lancaster Co., Pennsylvania Children 1. Johannes SCHELL, b. 8 Jan 1749, Hempf...
Anna Christina Hein, a esposa de Johann Adam ScheIl, nasceu a 21 de agosto de 1815 em Hildburghausen, no reino de Saxe, Thuringia, Alemanha (Germany). Faleceu a 4 de agosto de 1882 em Passo Fundo-RS, B...
GEDCOM Source ===@R1400032651@ Ancestry Family Trees Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Original data: Family Tree files submitted by Ancestry members. Ancestry Family Tree GEDCOM Sourc...
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