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Savage Genealogy and Savage Family History Information

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  • Wife of John le Savage (c.1158 - 1188)
  • Abigail Cheney (c.1263 - 1320)
    documentation needed. Thomas' wife is unknown on
  • Abigail Jones Savage (1807 - 1892)
    (Note: Records list the marriage as taking place in Amherst, MA and in CT. -- Jessica German)101 Theodore Lyman son of Elisha and Abigail, Joseph, Benjamin, 1784-1833, b. Nov. 3, 1784; m. Susan Willard...
  • Abigail Savage
    Abigail Savage is known for her work on Orange Is the New Black (2013), Precious (2009) and Half Nelson (2006). References imdb , ----------------------------------------------------------------...
  • Abijah Savage (1744 - 1825)
    A Patriot of the American Revolution for CONNECTICUT with the rank of CAPTAIN. DAR Ancestor #: A100583 === GEDCOM Source ===@R753398466@ Ancestry Family Trees Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Ances...

About the Savage surname


English and Scottish

Nickname for a wild or uncouth person, from Middle English, Old French salvage, sauvage ‘untamed’ (Late Latin salvaticus literally ‘man of the woods’, a derivative of Latin silva ‘wood’, influenced by Latin salvus ‘whole’, i.e. natural).

Irish: generally of English origin (it was taken to County Down in the 12th century), this name has also sometimes been adopted as equivalent of Gaelic Ó Sabháin, the name of a small south Munster sept, which was earlier Anglicized as O’Savin (see Savin).

Ashkenazic Jewish

Americanized form of Savich