There are already 173 users and over 8,010 genealogy profiles with the Rust surname on Geni. Explore Rust genealogy and family history in the World's Largest Family Tree.
From The Jewell register: containing a list of the descendants of Thomas Jewell, of Braintree, near Boston, Mass (Google eBook) Pliny Jewell, Rev. Joel Jewell (joint author.) Case, Lockwood and Co., 18...
Albert Rust (1818-1870) was a member of the US House of Representatives from Arkansas, a delegate to the Provisional Confederate Congress, and a Brigadier General in the Confederate States Army during ...
Rust in the UK is frequently found in East Anglia supposedly due to RUSS or Red colored hair or rude complexion. Also I-M23 Y-Dna seems to predominate. Scandinavian/Viking ancestry is also found.
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