Ruanda might well have been named of king Andreás ( Wanda-Rewa ) of Hungary from about 127
until 162 equal to 439 and 474 of greeks , to 1192 and 1227 of brits and to 1476 and 1511 of italians counting from 312,1065 and 1349 b.c. respectively, son of Kan Bela, who led "christian" - likely ,in his
case, husite - troups ,consisting from wandal,teuton,hungarian and sikel and other soldiers from
Eastern Europe, at battles at river Neil in Aigypt against the soltan of Babylón there . His army - we may now call tutsi ( for Teut-Swei ) and tusi ( for ta-Husi ) - might have moved towards South
along river Nile until reaching the Equatorial line to settle there with their kettles. In local tradition of theirs his name is likely Ndahiro ya Kyamatare son of Yuhi wa Gahima ,whereas Ruganzu
( Ruk-Ganzu ) ,a version of Genze-Rik ,may refer to his son or to his father ,both also kings of
geese , who lead wandals into Africa as known.
As Chingis kan's son by mongols is called Dului ,and is identical with Georg Dózsa known for Transsylvanian sikels also as Zandirham,acting unbtil 888 according to romans that is until 165 ( ,477,1230,1514 ), when he was assasinated by italians and its slaves,seems obvious to identify Ndahiro's stated son ( grandson in that case ?) Ruganzu Ndoli ruling until "1543 " with Rhómanos
from the family of the alleged Andreás ,son of Iohannés titled Kambila ( Kan-Beyla ), founder of later Romanov dynasty in Russia .
Georgios is namely the same as Hyrkanos,and Iohann went together with that two from at
least the days of the Khasamonaians,and thus was Georg Dózsa named of his grandfather ,Ion Tepes . The sikel chronicle of Csík tells more about how his offspring moved to East and occupied territories at river Don and farther .
See Dósa,Dózsa,Burgund,Moldvan,Hunyady,Szepesy,Zaks,Papp,Csaba,Csobánka,Zoltán,Markmann, Horpatzky,Kotromanic,Kominka,Permyakov,Tipter and more !
Balázs Déri