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  • R' Ari Liebus HaKohen Rabinowitz, A.B.D. Nowe Miasto-Warszawa, Koniecpol (c.1725 - d.)
    הרב הגאון המפורסם מו"ה אריה ליבוש הכהן ז"ל, אשר היה אב"ד דק"ק עיר חדש סמוך לוורשא ולסוף ימיו נתקבל לאב"ד בק"ק שדה חדש. הובא שו"ת ברית אברהם חלק או"ח סימן י"ח סכ"ד.This is the Neustadt aka Novy Miasto, ...
  • Fishel Rabinowicz
    FISHEL RABINOWICZ became a famous artist after the Holocaust:
  • Grand Rabbi Isaac Jacob Menachem Rabinowicz (1920 - 2010)
    alternative birth day:: December 1926 =====================
  • Sir Leon Radzinowicz (1906 - 1999)
    Sir Leon Radzinowicz , QC (Hon.), FBA (15 August 1906 – 29 December 1999) was criminologist and academic. He was the founding director of the Institute of Criminology at the University of Cambridge.==E...
  • Rabbi Shlomo HaKohen Rabinowicz of Radomsk "Tiferes Shlomo" (1796 - 1866)
    They called him the Tzaddik and author of the book "Tiferes Shlomo" of Radomsk. He is Grand Rabbi Shlomo Hacohen Rabinovitch of Radomsk (Tiferes Shlomo) - First Radomsker Rebbe. His book "Tiferet Shelo...

About the Rabinowicz surname

This section is a placeholder for information about the Rabinowicz surname. Surname information is crowd-sourced; the Geni community would be grateful if you helped update this page with information about the Rabinowicz surname.

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