The territory formerly called Plata,now Argentina ,at river La Palta,and some families called so may
be named after A-Pal-Lat-Ta from the family of Ake-Laya-Bawa from the tribe of A Wa-Hayad-Daha ,
likely from the branch of te ancestress of which was a concubine of his called Eg-Rawa-Paha .
These tribes,descended from her, may be called Phryg in the exile ,that is Paha-Rawa-Eg .
Some people at the Altiplano of Bolovia ,named after Akke-Laya-Bawa ,may also be descended from
A-Pal-Lat-Ta ,the place called after him A-Lat-Ta-(ya-)Pal-(an) .
One of his brothers was Eg-Gawa-Shan-Na ,from him the local (t)Shango tribe may be descended ,
identified often with modern Urus ,and another Sharga-Pa ,who may be the forefather of Iranshe people ,
as the royal tribe of ancient Persia ,now Iran ,was called Pasarga-Da .
Iran-She thus may be Iran-Shahya .
Another brother ,A-Wayat-An-Ma ,may be the ancestor of Amuetano tribe .
Nest-Shango tribe in Siberia may also have ancient connections to the Uru .
Ak-Ke-Laya-Bawa appears to be the generic ancestor of peoples called Arawake ,first settling in Bolivia.
See ,Bolivia,Paraguay,Argentino,Argentina,Brassai,Ardini,Chango,Arica,Csángó,Guanche,Jurák,Szerencsi,
Szerencse,Encsi,Göncz and others !
Balázs Déri