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  • Lotte Pariser (Guttmann) (1885 - 1944)
    Eintrag im »Gedenkbuch« des Bundesarchivs: Pariser, Anna Charlotte geborene Guttmann geboren am 07. September 1885 in Berlin / - / Stadt Berlin wohnhaft in München Deportationsziel: ab München 05...
  • Dr. phil. Ernst Heinrich Pariser (1883 - 1915)
    Pariser, Ernst (Berlin 4.1.1883 – 23.8.1915 Jena), Dr. phil., deutscher Theologe und Literaturwissenschaftler jüdischer Herkunft; Sohn eines Berliner Textilfabrikanten und Privatbankiers; 1912 Kunde He...
  • Pessel Schöngross (1887 - 1943)
    Eintrag im »Gedenkbuch« des Bundesarchivs: Schöngross, Pesel Pessel Pesl geb. Pariser geboren am 15. März 1887 in Rzeszow/Galizien wohnhaft in Oberhausen / Rheinprovinz EMIGRATION 00.00...
  • Ruth Ben Israel (1931 - 2020)
    רות בן-ישראל (נולדה ב-1931) היא פרופסור אמריטה למשפטים באוניברסיטת תל אביב, כלת פרס ישראל לחקר המשפט לשנת תשס"א. מאז פרישתה עוסקת בציור ובריקוד.
  • Pariser (deceased)

About the Pariser surname

Paris in France formerly called Lukotokia - and later Lutétia - was founded by parisi tribe living around that place possibly related also to sipari-koto in America. Their gayo and ayoma relatives there might descend from one of the first mentioned kings of parsi nation ( earlier artaios) called Gayomart that is Ga-Ayo-Ma-Art .

Pharisaian sect was formed from about the days of Hasamonai family by idumaians deforming hebrew religion to their own likeness descending from A-Ma-Dawa son of Awap-Pat likely therefore identical with faris-madán tribe in Persia too.

Some others are of the opinion it was founded by Paris Alexander from Troia.

Jews and christians read Maday and Yafet.

See Pári,Zavaros,Frank,Franker,Füredi,Politzer,Viszáki !

Balázs Déri