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Overmyer Genealogy and Overmyer Family History Information

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  • Anna Eve Overmyer (1764 - 1790)
    DAUGHTER OF REVOLUTIONARY WAR CAPTAIN JOHN GEORGE OVERMIREShe and her twin sister Ester were probably born abt 1764-65."Anna Eve and Ester, twins , dates not known" --Overmyer History and Genealogy 168...
  • Anna Barbara Overmyer (1776 - 1790)
    DAUGHTER OF REVOLUTIONARY WAR CAPTAIN JOHN GEORGE OVERMIREAnna Barbara was living in 1790 when her father wrote his will, but her fate is unknown.* Updated from Find A Grave Memorial via mother Anna Ba...
  • Barbara Overmyer (1741 - aft.1805)
    DAR# A085022 Red Flagged: "FUTURE APPLICANTS MUST PROVE CORRECT SERVICE". DAR shows that she was born in Pennsylvania. Barbara Vogt was born in 1741 in the canton of Basel Land, Switzerland. She w...
  • Elizabeth Overmyer (1763 - 1825)
    DAUGHTER OF REVOLUTIONARY WAR CAPTAIN JOHN GEORGE OVERMIREShe is named in the Captain's will dated 1790 and must have died thereafter.* Updated from Find A Grave Memorial via mother Anna Barbara Overmi...
  • Esther Overmyer (1764 - d.)
    DAUGHTER OF REVOLUTIONARY WAR CAPTAIN JOHN GEORGE OVERMIREThe 1905 Overmyer History and Genealogy notes that Anna Eva and her sister Ester were twins. Ester was living in 1790 when the Captain wrote hi...

About the Overmyer surname

This section is a placeholder for information about the Overmyer surname. Surname information is crowd-sourced; the Geni community would be grateful if you helped update this page with information about the Overmyer surname.

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