There are already 16 users and 703 genealogy profiles with the of Hanover surname on Geni. Explore of Hanover genealogy and family history in the World's Largest Family Tree.
in honour of Queen Adelaide, the German-born consort of King William IV, the city was founded in 1836 as the planned capital for a freely settled British province in Australia.[5] Colonel William Light...
mtDNA haplogroup H (16111T, 16357C, 263G, 315.1C)
Victoria Alexandrina Princess of Hanover.
HM Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom on 20 June 1837.
Crowned Queen of the United Kingdom on 28 Ju...
St. Laurence Church Thanet >"One of the most interesting memorials is the D'Este Mausoleum, built by Augustus Frederick Murray for his mother, Lady Augusta Murray. Lady Augusta married the sixth son of...
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