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Nickerson Genealogy and Nickerson Family History Information

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  • Abigail Nickerson (1792 - 1856)
    Not the same as Abigail Ross Abigail Nickerson , daughter of Phineas Nickerson & Sarah Nickerson, married Alexander Nickerson, son of John Nickerson & Jerusha Knowles. They had 12 children. Refer...
  • Abigail Ross (1786 - 1860)
    Not the same as Abigail Nickerson Abigail Nickerson, daughter of Gideon Nickerson & Sarah Bearse, married Thomas Ross. They had 21 children. References
  • Abner Nickerson (c.1754 - d.)
  • Abner Nickerson (1732 - bef.1796)
    Abner removed to Nova Scotia, where, as a grantee, he bought the Wood's Grant which his large family occupied. For a time he sailed in a privateer from Liverpool, NS. Some of his family remained in NS,...
  • Adeline Ellen Nickerson (1825 - 1909)
    From her Thomas Rogers Society page: Ellen Bassett [1]*F, *b. 17 August 1825, *d. 10 November 1909Adeline Ellen Bassett was born on 17 August 1825 at Harwich, MA.[1] She was the daughter of Stephen A B...

About the Nickerson surname

Many named Nickerson migrated from Canada.