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Michelson Genealogy and Michelson Family History Information

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  • Albert Michelson, Nobel Prize in Physics 1907 (1852 - 1931)
    Albert Abraham Michelson (December 19, 1852 – May 9, 1931) was an American physicist known for his work on the measurement of the speed of light and especially for the Michelson-Morley experiment. In 1...
  • Alfred Joseph Michelson (1887 - 1943)
    Eintrag im »Gedenkbuch« des Bundesarchivs: Michelson, Alfred Joseph geboren am 19.Mai 1887 in Hamburg / - / Hansestadt Hamburg wohnhaft in Hamburg Deportation: ab Hamburg 15.Juli 1942, Theresiens...
  • Andres Michelson (1870 - 1943)
    Sünd (10.04.1870vkj) - Saaga EAA.1931.1.304:170?20,297,2271,397,0 - EAÕK Kavilda kogudus; Elukoht: Suur-Konguta mõis, Kobilu küla. 1890-91 - Õppis Tartu Õpetajate seminaris. 1891-92 - Töötas Välgi (Nõ...
  • Anna Michelson (1875 - 1975)
    Sünd: Saaga EAA.1927.1.509:168?210,935,1111,396,0 Polli valla Perekonnakirjades: Saaga EAA.3555.1.101:105?630,2711,3672,283,0 Michelson Tallinna Pärnamäe kalmistu, VI, 10/33, D-450, 4-kohaline kir...
  • August Melso ← Michelson (1896 - 1975)
    Sünd Abielu 1922 MICHELSON > MELSO Kolga-Jaani (Soosaare) 1908-1940 Elanike nimekiri Viljandi Maavalitsus 1938 Soosaare v. Taganurga küla - Käspre talu

About the Michelson surname

This section is a placeholder for information about the Michelson surname. Surname information is crowd-sourced; the Geni community would be grateful if you helped update this page with information about the Michelson surname.

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