There are already 491 users and over 10,872 genealogy profiles with the Matos surname on Geni. Explore Matos genealogy and family history in the World's Largest Family Tree.
Ana Jacinta ==Nascida - CapeloCasada com António Silveira de Matos, tiveram#Rosa Jacinta 1810#António ? 1811#Inácia ? 1814Casada a 11 de Outubro de 1823 com Tomás Pereira do Souto
André Coelho Matos (14 September 1971 – 8 June 2019) w as a Brazilian singer and musician. He was involved in the heavy metal bands Viper, Angra, Shaman and Symfonia. Since 2006, Matos had been dedicat...
The name Matos is believed to be of a Hellenic or Greek background .
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