There are already 34 users and 1,177 genealogy profiles with the Makepeace surname on Geni. Explore Makepeace genealogy and family history in the World's Largest Family Tree.
Last name at birth was Morey, not Marcy. Can't change it because field is locked. Curator is not responsive to messages. * Reference: Ancestry Genealogy - SmartCopy : Jan 15 2018, 18:41:40 UTC
Ben M. Angel notes:A second Abigail Makepeace is supposed to have been born to William and Experience Makepeace, apparently dying young. However, when this was supposed to have happened was not indicat...
Steele married next, his third wife, January 18, 1775, Abigail Makepeace by whom he had another 4 children (3 sons and 1 daughter): Abigail (b. 1775), Solomon (1780-1799), Eleazer (1785-1847), and Jaso...
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