Makrón tribe in the Caucasian Ibéria,that is now approximately Georgia ,may be descended from
A-War-Reg-Qar-Ge-Ma ,that is the same as Maqar-Geawarreg ,whose successors may more
precisely be Guda-Maqar people .
He was the son of Arreg-Ha-Ma,from whom Margali people may be descended at the same place ,
son of Sha-Megra,likely ancestor of some in Sa-Megrelo .
The latter was the son of Akha-Berre-ye-Na ,after whom the place of the same name might be
named,where the king of the Holy Land of America ,Ed-Daya-Wa-Da ruled for about 7 years between
1123 and 1116 BC ,before occupying the capital of the land,the Golden City of Hiero-Solyma ,later called Manoa .
This place might be where tribes called Berrenay' live,mainly in Columbia and Venezuela ,such as
the Aycuba-,Isirri-Duni- and Uni-Berrenay' ones mos of hem of Arawake language
Generic ancestor of the Aruake ,of those in the Holy Land and of those registered in Ibéria of Hispania
after the exile ,may well be Ake-Laya-Bawa from the tribe of A-Wa-Hayat-Daha ,called also Ag-Ayar-A'ar-Awa .
Ibérians of Georgia were belived to be descendants of the kings' four sons ,all born yet in the capital,to
Bat-Tesh-Abagra ,likely ancestress of the early chiefs Batsb'i people too .
No wonder hence ,thet people of origin from Akha-Berre-ye-Na have also moved to Georgia,
and likely to the other Ibérias in Western Europe ,togeher with the kings' clans .
See Guimaraes Bácsi,Rácz,Georg,Vajda,Reinbach,Brachna,Bahreyn,Bolivia,Argentino and others !
Balázs Déri